(A) 根据句意和首字母或中文提示.写出句中所缺单词.61. We needn’t buy Ricky a bike. He has a new one a . 查看更多



1. An __________ (精力充沛的) person has lots of energy.
2. Father is sleeping. You'd better do it q__________.
3."My little dog has died." the girl said __________ (悲伤).
4. The weather in South China is d__________ from that in North China.
5. Like many famous scientists, Li Siguang __________(致力于) himself to the study of science.
6. This kind of film has a bad __________ (影响) on people.
7. Those __________ (小偷) were caught at last.


1. We needn't buy Ricky a bike. He has a new one a____________.
2. Do you usually make a shopping list b___________ you go shopping?
3. Let's i___________ our teachers to our party. They'll be very happy to be with us.
4. The box is very l____________. You can carry it easily.
5. The girl wants to _____________ (改变) her hair style.
6. Annie has a ____________ (圆的) face.
7. Hurry up. The ____________ (出租车) is coming.
8. It's midnight. Dad is ____________ (仍, 还) working.

