27.-Tom fell off his bike and hurt his left leg yesterday. - .How is he now? A.I'm sorry to hear that B.How did it happen C.Nothing serious D.He had a bad luck 查看更多



- Do you know that Tom fell off his bike and broke his leg this morning?

- Really? _______bad news!                        

    A. What         B. What a            C. How          D. How a


— Tom fell off his bike and hurt his arm yesterday.
—           .
[     ]
B.That's funny
C.All right
D.I'm sorry to hear that


补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余项。
A. Is he ill?
B. I'm sorry to hear that.
C. You're right.
D. He's a little better
E. He's in hospital.
F. Don't ride too fast.
G. All right.
A: Tom fell off his motorbike yesterday.
B: 1.                Where is he now?
A: 2.                
B: How is he feeling now?
A: 3.                
B: He should ride his motorbike more carefully.
A: 4.                
B: Let's go to the hospital and see him, shall we?
A: 5.                


--Tom fell off his bike and hurt his arm yesterday.


A.Congratulations                                   B.That’s funny

C.All right                                             D.I’m sorry to hear that


1. Tom is looking forward to _________ (see) the park.
2. Be careful when you go __________(cross) the street.
3. Which bus ________ I _______ (take) to the post office?
4. Tom fell off the bike and _________ (hurt) his legs.
5. He wants to know if the ________(follow) answer is right.

