11.I'm sorry.but I my homework at home. A.1eft B.forgot C.remembered D.lost 查看更多



Mrs Brown's telephone number was 3464, and the number of the cinema in her town was 5463, so people often made a mistake and telephoned her when they wanted the cinema.
  One evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs Brown answered it. A tired man said, "At what time does your last film begin?"
  "I'm sorry," said Mrs Brown, "but you have wrong number. That is not the cinema. "
  "Oh, it began twenty minutes ago?" said the man. "I'm sorry about that. Goodbye! "
  Mrs Brown was very surprised. So she told her husband. He laughed and said, "The man's wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he telephoned the cinema. His wife heard him, but she didn't hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy! "
  根据短文判断正误:(T or F)
(    ) l. Mrs Brown knew a lot about The films, so people often telephoned her.
(    ) 2. The man made a mistake and telephoned her.
(    ) 3. The man didn't want to see a film because his wife was feeling tired.
(    ) 4. The man and his wife didn't go to the cinema because the film had already
(    ) 5. The man telephoned just to cheat (骗) his wife.



(Mary Hand—M;Chen Hui—C)

M: Help yourself to some chocolates. Chen Li brought them from Shanghai.

C:      1.       I can’t eat anything sweet. It’s my teeth.

M: I’m sorry to hear that.     2.     

C: I did. He told me that I have to have one tooth out and two filled. But I can’t find time for it.

M:      3.     

C: But I’m busy now. I think I’ll go next week.

M: I’m afraid you’d better go right now. The sooner you do something about it, the better.

C:     4.     Can you please tell our head that I’ll be back by lunchtime?

M:    5.    

C: Thank you very much. See you this afternoon.

M: See you.

A. If I were you, I’d take care of them right away.

B. You’d better not worry about yourself.

C. I agree with you.

D. Thanks.

E. With pleasure.

F. Here you are.

G. Did you see a dentist?



Mrs Brown's telephone number was 3464, and the number of the cinema in her town was 5463, so people often made a mistake and telephoned her when they wanted the cinema.
  One evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs Brown answered it. A tired man said, "At what time does your last film begin?"
  "I'm sorry," said Mrs Brown, "but you have wrong number. That is not the cinema. "
  "Oh, it began twenty minutes ago?" said the man. "I'm sorry about that. Goodbye! "
  Mrs Brown was very surprised. So she told her husband. He laughed and said, "The man's wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he telephoned the cinema. His wife heard him, but she didn't hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy! "
  根据短文判断正误:(T or F)
(    ) l. Mrs Brown knew a lot about The films, so people often telephoned her.
(    ) 2. The man made a mistake and telephoned her.
(    ) 3. The man didn't want to see a film because his wife was feeling tired.
(    ) 4. The man and his wife didn't go to the cinema because the film had already
(    ) 5. The man telephoned just to cheat (骗) his wife.



( Mary —M ;Chen Li—C )
M: Help yourself to some chocolates. Chen Hua brought them from Shanghai.
C:    66      I can’t eat anything sweet. It’s my teeth.
M: I’m sorry to hear that.     67     
C: I did. He told me that I have to have one tooth out and two filled. But I can’t find time for it.
M:      68     
C: But I’m busy now. I think I’ll go next week.
M: I’m afraid you’d better go right now. The sooner you do something about it, the better.
C:      69      Can you please tell our head that I’ll be back by lunchtime?
M:      70     
C: Thank you very much. See you this afternoon.
M: See you.

A. If I were you, I’d take care of them right away.
B. You’d better not worry about yourself.
C. I agree with you.
D. Thanks.
E. With pleasure.
F. Here you are.
G. Did you see a dentist?


Yesterday my son, daughter and I went to the grocery store. In front of us in line was a little girl with her mother. The little girl was asking her mother for a box of Smarties. The polite way she was asking almost broke the mother’s heart, “I’m sorry, Honey, but we have no money to buy it ”
My son was watching that dialogue. By the way, he had been raking(用耙子耙)leaves our garden to raise himself some money to buy a bike. As he watched the mother and daughter leave the store, he ran to the candy counter(柜台)and bought a box of Smarties with the money .
He turned to look at me and I just nodded. He ran out after the little girl and her mother and he gave them the box. He came back and told me what he told them. “Every kid should have a pack of Smarties because they can make you smart.”
I was so excited that I bought a pack of Smarties for my son. I told him that I was proud of him, and that was for his act of generosity(慷慨)because he gave his own Smarties to others  Quickly, he replied, “But you do nice things for people and you never get anything for it .”explained, “when you do something nice for someone, you shouldn’t expect to get anything, when you do get something you should be very thankful.”
【小题1】When the writer and her children went to the grocery store, they saw a little girl asking ____.
A.her mother for a nice toy
B.her mother for a box of Smarties
C.where she could find a box of Smarties
D.her mother if she could had enough money
【小题2】From the passage we know Smarties are ____.
A.a beautiful doll
B.an interesting story book
C.a kind of candy
D.some leaves of a nice tree
【小题3】The writer was____to see her son buy a pack of Smarties for the little girl.
【小题4】What can we learn from the story above?
A.Every kid should have a pack of Smarties..
B.Everyone should have a good mother.
C.Everyone should do nice things for others.
D.Every mother should often do something for her children.

