6.Ten hundred is one t . 查看更多



Collecting Barbie Dolls is a favorite hobby of many women and girls throughout the world. Since Barbie first appeared (出现) at the American International Toy Fair in 1959, she has become the most popular doll in the world.
Many collectors of Barbie Dolls collect the dolls just for fun. They often collect some dolls they like or think are special. However, there are some serious collectors. They have hundreds of dolls, and spend almost thousands of dollars each year.
Many Barbie collectors not only collect the dolls, but also collect items (部件) of the dolls. Many collections include different items of Barbie's fashion clothes. If you become a serious collector of Barbie Dolls, you will be likely to want to join a Barbie collectors’ club. The more you know about Barbie and her history, the more you want to grow your collections. 
No matter which kind of collector you are, casual (随意的) or serious, Barbie dolls can be a fun and interesting hobby for girls and women of all ages.
【小题1】How many years of history do Barbie Dolls have?
A.More than eighty years.B.About one hundred years.
C.Less than ten years. D.About fifty years.
【小题2】What does the word “include” mean in Chinese?
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT right about the serious collectors of Barbie Dolls?
A.They have great interest in Barbie Dolls.
B.They sometimes even collect items of Barbie Dolls.
C.They spend much money on Barbie Dolls.
D.They don’t like Barbie Dolls from America.
【小题4】 What do we know from the passage?
A.Barbie Dolls first appeared in England.
B.Casual collectors may just collect Barbie Dolls for fun.
C.Collectors collect items in order to repair the dolls.
D.Old people didn’t like Barbie Dolls before 1959.
【小题5】What is the passage mainly about?
A.Barbie Dolls.B.Different hobbies.
C.How to repair a toy. D.How to be a collector.


Collecting Barbie Dolls is a favorite hobby of many women and girls throughout the world. Since Barbie first appeared (出现) at the American International Toy Fair in 1959, she has become the most popular doll in the world.
Many collectors of Barbie Dolls collect the dolls just for fun. They often collect some dolls they like or think are special. However, there are some serious collectors. They have hundreds of dolls, and spend almost thousands of dollars each year.
Many Barbie collectors not only collect the dolls, but also collect items (部件) of the dolls. Many collections include different items of Barbie’s fashion clothes. If you become a serious collector of Barbie Dolls, you will be likely to want to join a Barbie collectors’ club. The more you know about Barbie and her history, the more you want to grow your collections. 
No matter which kind of collector you are, casual (随意的) or serious, Barbie dolls can be a fun and interesting hobby for girls and women of all ages.
【小题1】How many years of history do Barbie Dolls have?

A.More than eighty years.B.About one hundred years.
C.Less than ten years. D.About fifty years.
【小题2】What does the word “include” mean in Chinese?
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT right about the serious collectors of Barbie Dolls?[来源:学#科#网]
A.They have great interest in Barbie Dolls.
B.They sometimes even collect items of Barbie Dolls.
C.They spend much money on Barbie Dolls.
D.They don’t like Barbie Dolls from America.
【小题4】 What do we know from the passage?
A.Barbie Dolls first appeared in England.
B.Casual collectors may just collect Barbie Dolls for fun.
C.Collectors collect items in order to repair the dolls.
D.Old people didn’t like Barbie Dolls before 1959.
【小题5】What is the passage mainly about?
A.Barbie Dolls.B.Different hobbies.
C.How to repair a toy. D.How to be a collector.


Collecting Barbie Dolls is a favorite hobby of many women and girls throughout the world. Since Barbie first appeared (出现) at the American International Toy Fair in 1959, she has become the most popular doll in the world.
Many collectors of Barbie Dolls collect the dolls just for fun. They often collect some dolls they like or think are special. However, there are some serious collectors. They have hundreds of dolls, and spend almost thousands of dollars each year.
Many Barbie collectors not only collect the dolls, but also collect items (部件) of the dolls. Many collections include different items of Barbie’s fashion clothes. If you become a serious collector of Barbie Dolls, you will be likely to want to join a Barbie collectors’ club. The more you know about Barbie and her history, the more you want to grow your collections. 
No matter which kind of collector you are, casual (随意的) or serious, Barbie dolls can be a fun and interesting hobby for girls and women of all ages.
小题1:How many years of history do Barbie Dolls have?
A.More than eighty years.B.About one hundred years.
C.Less than ten years. D.About fifty years.
小题2:What does the word “include” mean in Chinese?
小题3:Which of the following is NOT right about the serious collectors of Barbie Dolls?
A.They have great interest in Barbie Dolls.
B.They sometimes even collect items of Barbie Dolls.
C.They spend much money on Barbie Dolls.
D.They don’t like Barbie Dolls from America.
小题4: What do we know from the passage?
A.Barbie Dolls first appeared in England.
B.Casual collectors may just collect Barbie Dolls for fun.
C.Collectors collect items in order to repair the dolls.
D.Old people didn’t like Barbie Dolls before 1959.
小题5:What is the passage mainly about?
A.Barbie Dolls.B.Different hobbies.
C.How to repair a toy. D.How to be a collector.




  Watson won his most important game and became Southern Chess Master(南部象棋大师) in 1977. He was given the silver cup.

  “It isn't rightly mine,” he said, when he was holding the cup. “It was won two years ago when I was on holiday in…”

  A family was staying at my hotel at that time. Mrs Prag, the mother, was told that I played chess; and she begged me to give her young son a game. “He's only ten.” she said, “I've been told that he plays quite well.”

  “Well, as you can guess, I wasn't too happy. A player likes the opponent(对手) to play as well as he does. But it was holiday time and I agreed to play. We placed the board(棋盘) in the garden. The game began. I hoped it would be quick and so it was.”

  “I soon knew that David Prag was no learner. After ten minutes his sister came outside and began to play tennis against a wall. The boy seemed to lose interest in our game. He moved a piece(棋子) without care. I gave my attention to the board.”

  “Call me when you are ready, Mr Watson,” he said.

  “When I was ready? I looked up. He had gone off to play with his sister. I studied the board and found I was driven into corner. So it went on with David:a quick move, then tennis. Back to the board, and then back to his sister. My difficult condition became impossible to change. I was beaten, oh so easily, by a ten-year-old chess player. He was the winner in twenty-eight minutes.”

  “David Prag: a name to remember. I had a chance to use his game today, and it won this cup for me. To him, of course, it is only one of a hundred, or perhaps a thousand, winning games.”

1.When Mr Watson said, “It isn't rightly mine. It was won…,” he meant ________ two years before.

[  ]

A.he had played chess with a little boy for twenty-eight minutes

B.he had had a chance. to take part in an important game

C.he had learned how to play chess from a child

D.he had learned a good game from a child

2.Before the game, Mr Watson was quite sure that ________.

[  ]

A.the boy played as well as he did

B.he would be Southern Chess Master two years later

C.he could win the game easily

D.the boy would win the game quickly

3.Why did David play tennis while he was playing chess with Watson? Because he ________.

[  ]

A.had no interest in playing chess with adults(成年人)

B.was not good at playing chess

C.liked playing tennis much better than playing chess

D.played chess much better than Watson

4.From the story, we know that ________.

[  ]

A.David Prag was the real winner

B.Mr Watson was the real winner

C.neither of them was the real winner

D.both of them were the real winner

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]

A.Sometimes young children can beat adults in playing chess.

B.Watson thought he could win the game quickly, and so he did.

C.Watson learned something from David and won the silver cup.

D.Watson would never forget the name of the boy.


  John Brown is an office worker. He lives in Washington(华盛顿)in America. When he was 23 years old, he inherited(继承)$1,000,000. So he became a very rich man. His friends said he was so lucky that they didn't believe that it was true. But John Brown didn't feel very happy. After he graduated from the college, his friends began to look for their first jobs, but John didn't. He wanted to keep living a simple(简朴的)life like everyone else.

  Later John Brown heard of a charity(慈善团体). The charity helped poor children to live better lives. So he gave the charity $100,000. But none of his friends knew what he did. Today John is 36 years old. Now John himself wears cheap shoes and clothes. He only owns a small car. But he feels very happy because he has helped 15 children from poor countries all over the world. He gives each child $200 a month. The money pays for the children's food, clothes and so on. John Brown can receive a report on the children's progress(进步)every year. Once John went to meet a little girl in Africa. He felt very happy. He thought that his money was used for a very good plan. The money has helped lots of children to live happy lives. He said he wanted to do everything he could. He is going on helping those children in need.

(1) At the age of 23, John Brown inherited ________ dollars.

[  ]

A.one hundred
B.one million
C.one thousand
D.ten thousand

(2) John helps the poor children ________.

[  ]

A.in America
B.in Asia
C.in Japan
D.all over the world

(3) John wears cheap shoes and clothes because _________.

[  ]

A.he wants to live a simple life

B.he gave all his money to the poor children

C.he wants others to give him much money

D.he can't buy expensive things

(4) When he met a little girl in Africa, he felt ________.

[  ]

A.he didn't do very well

B.he didn't want to do like that again

C.his money wasn't wasted

D.his money was wasted

(5) From the passage, we can know that John Brown ________.

[  ]

A.doesn't have much money

B.is a kind man

C.doesn't like children

D.wants to become richer

