40.A.to help B.to watch C.to find 查看更多



Mr Wu wants to find out whether his students know how to deal with problems.He has given them a quiz.Look at it.Circle the best answers.


1.If someone laughs at you, you should________.


a.shout at him/her 嘲笑他/她

b.hit him/her 打他/她

c.pay no attention to him/her 不在乎他/她

2.If you do not have enough time to do your home work, you should________.


a.choose to do only part of it 选择做部分

b.forget about your homework 忘了家庭作业

c.plan your time more carefully. 更仔细的计划你的时间

3.When it is too noisy at home and you cannot do your homework, you should________.


a.let your parents know the problem 让你的父母知道这个问题

b.blame your parents 责备你的父母

c.watch TV 看电视

4.If you are worried about exams, you should________.


a.give up 放弃

b.watch more TV programmes to relax 看更多的电视来放松

c.talk to your teachers 和你的老师谈谈

5.The problems of stress gets worse when________.


a.people do not share their problems 人们不能分担他们的烦恼

b.people relax and take a holiday 人们放松,去度假

c.friends try to help 朋友试着帮助

6.If you are feeling stressed, you should________.


a.keep quiet 保持安静

b.shout at your friends and family members 朝你的家人和朋友大叫

c.share your problems with a friend or family member 和你的朋友或家人分担你的烦恼


It is very difficult to find a public place without advertisements now. We can   1  them in the newspaper, on the television, and hear them over the radio,   2  when we watch a ball game, ads will meet our eyes.

   It is true that in the activities of business ads are  3 a more and more important part. They tell people about new products and help more in  4  . In this way they help to be on the increase of products. This is a big advantage.

  5  , ads also bring people all kinds of disadvantages. For example, some of the manufacturers(业主), in their hope to win a big   6   for their products, are even so dishonest that they don’t   7   about their products. When you are watching an interesting TV play, it is suddenly   8  by some ads and they are appearing on the screen. All above, people may get tired of ads. Also some ads   9  children, and they ask their parents to buy them something in the ads. From this point, ads   10  have some disadvantages.

1.A.read                   B.see                      C.feel                        D.realize

2.A.and                 B.only              C.even                 D.even though

3.A.playing             B.taking            C.getting                 D.doing

4.A.sellers              B.sales             C.shopping              D.producing

5.A.But                B.Also             C.Anyway                D.However

6.A.shop                 B.supermarket      C.production             D.market

7.A.tell the truth           B.say anything      C.think a lot               D.describe anything

8.A.continued            B.stopped           C.attacked                D.performed

9.A.fit                   B.encourage        C.prefer                D.attract

10.A.hardly               B.badly          C.really                    D.nearly


  American boys and girls love to watch television. Some children spend six hours a day at school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV set. Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday.

  Televisions are like books or films. A child can learn bad things and good things from them. Some programmes help children to understand the news. Others show people and places in other countries or other times in history. With TV a Child doesn't have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the sea to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play, a concert or a game at home.

  Television brings many places and events into our homes. Some programmes show crime and other things. They are bad for children, so parents sometimes help them to find other interesting things to do.

(1)Some children usually spend ________ a day watching TV.

[  ]

Asix hours

Bmore than eight hours

Cfour to six hours

Da few hours

(2)TV brings places and events into homesmeans________.

[  ]

ATV makes things happen at home.

Bwe can find them easily.

Cwe can know places and events without going out

Dwe can see houses and buildings on TV.

(3)On TV children can see ________.

[  ]




Dalmost everything

(4)Parents should help their children to find other things to do when there is ________ for children.

[  ]

Aa bad programme

Ba game

Ca big animal

Da concert

(5)Which of the following is NOT right? ________.

[  ]

AChildren can watch a football match on TV.

BAll TV programmes are good for children.

CWith TV children can see a concert at home.

DSome programmes are bad for children.


    Mr. King is a tall and strong man.He teaches P.E.in a middle school.He has a long beard (胡子) and takes good care of it.

    It was Sunday yesterday.There was the biggest football match of the year on the playground in the centre of the city.Mr. King likes the game very much and of course he was going to watch it.With his friends’ help,he got a ticket a few days ago.After breakfast he hurried to the bus stop,but a lot of people were waiting there.A bus came and he hardly got on.There were enough people in it and it was difficult for them to put their feet.He had to catch the back of a chair.At the next stop a boy got on the bus.He was short and couldn’t catch anything.Suddenly the bus stopped and the boy almost fell to the floor.He looked around and saw Mr. King’s beard and caught it.The man found it at once and called out,“Let go(放开)my beard,boy!”“Are you going to get off,sir?”asked the boy.

1.Mr. King is a          

    A.player           B.runner          C.teacher    D.driver

2.Mr. King was going to watch the match because         

    A.He teaches P.E.in a middle school

    B.he liked football very much

    C.He had already got a ticket

           D.he didn’t go to work yesterday

3.it was difficult for Mr. King to stand because         

    A.he had drunk too much

    B.the bus was too small

    C.he got on the bus too late

    D.it was very crowded in the bus

4.The boy gripped Mr. King’s beard because          

    A.he was afraid to fall

    B.he wanted to make the man angry

    C.he wished the man to find a seat for him

    D.he wished the man to get too soon

5.Mr. King was afraid          ,so he shouted at him.

    A.the boy would pull him down

    B.the boy would hurt his beard

    C.the boy could be hurt

    D.the boy would borrow his ticket



  It is very difficult to find a public place without advertisements now. We can ___1___ them in the newspaper, on the television, and hear them over the radio, ___2___ when we watch a ball game, ads will meet our eyes.

  It is true that in the activities of business ads are ___3___ a more and more important part. They tell people about new products and help more in ___4___. In this way they help to be on the increase of products. This is a big advantage.

  ___5___ , ads also bring people all kinds of disadvantages. For example, some of the manufacturers(业主), in their hope to win a big ___6___ for their products, are even so dishonest that they don't ___7___ about their products. When you are watching an interesting TV play, it is suddenly ___8___ by some ads and they are appearing on the screen. All above, people may get tired of ads. Also some ads ___9___ children, and they ask their parents to buy them something in the ads. From this point, ads ___10___ have some disadvantages.








Deven though

















(7Atell the truth

Bsay anything

    Cthink a lot

Ddescribe anything













