18.Our teacher went to my house to visit my parents . A.in the last two days B.these days C.some day D.the other day 查看更多



Our teacher went to my house to visit my parents           
[     ]
A.in the last two days
B.these days
C.some day
D.the other day



  Mr Clarke was born in a poor family. He was in school for only two years. When he was sixteen he left the poor mountain village and walked to the capital. He had worked in a garden, in a workplace. When he reached the biggest city in the country, nobody gave him any work. He had to beg (乞讨) in the street.

  One day he was looking for some food while a bag fell off a motorbike. But the rider didn't find it and left quickly. He picked it up and found there was plenty of money in it. There was nobody except him there. He sat by the road and waited for the loser. About half an hour later an old man came back by motorbike and looked for something. The young man returned the bag to him. The old man thanked him very much and told him to work in his shop.

  Mr Clarke worked hard and watched everything carefully. He learned a lot. With the old man's help , he had a shop. He never fooled anybody and was friendly to the shoppers. And people liked to do the shopping in his shops. Of course he got a lot of money. Now he had several shops, a beautiful house, a few cars and other valuable (值钱的) things. He went to his village and brought his parents, wife and children to the city. How happy they were all when they moved into the beautiful house!

  Before Mike , their thirteen-year-old son , went to a middle school. Mrs Clarke said ,“Try to be modest (谦虚的) , son. Don't tell anybody that we're rich.”“OK', Mummy,”answered the boy.

  That morning the teacher told his students to write a composition “My Family”. Mike remembered what his mother had said. So he wrote ,“My family is large. Here're thirteen people in my family. They are; my grandpa, grandma, father, mother, sister, two cooks, two drivers, three servants (佣人) and I. My family is poor. Our cooks , drivers and servants are all poor!”

1.Mr Clarke went to the capital on foot when he was young because ________.

[  ]

A.he wanted to visit the places of interest

B.he wanted to find work on his way

C.he had no money

D.there was no bus at that time

2.At first Mr Clarke begged in the capital because ________.

[  ]

A.he couldn't find any work there

B.he didn't know anybody there

C.the people there were all kind

D.he wanted to know the city well

3.As ________ , the old man told Mr Clarke to work in his shop.

[  ]

A.he thought the young man was able

B.the young man was worth trusting (信赖)

C.the young man helped him D. he needed a helper

4.Mr Clarke became ________.

[  ]

A.a rich shopkeeper
B.a poor worker
C.a kind farmer
D.an able driver

5.The Clarkes were happy because ________.

[  ]

A.they left the poor mountain village

B.they said goodbye to the hard life in the mountain village

C.they had their own shops

D.they did nothing at home

