94.Guangxi organized some teams to leave for Wenchuan to help the people there. 查看更多



K.L. Rothey, 71, from the United States, a retired lawyer ?
Rothey has given himself the Chinese name of Luqi or “roadside beggar(乞丐)”. In his eyes, beggars are doing important work collecting rubbish. What they do is not dirty. Littering the street is, he adds.?
Rothey first visited China in 1984 and soon he became interested in Chinese culture. Married to a Chinese calligrapher (书法家), he lived in Huangshi, Hubei Province.?
Many people know him because he often shows up in the street collecting rubbish. “Huangshi is my home so I hope it becomes cleaner and more beautiful,” says Rothey. He has also organized volunteers to collect rubbish in other cities, including Wuhan.?
Rothey says he’ll continue collecting rubbish, as long as he is able to.?
Jill Robinson, 50, from Britain, founder(创立者)and CEO of Animals Asia Foundation.
She has been working for nearly 20 years to stop people from getting the bile(胆汁)from moon bears for use in traditional medicine.?
She began working for the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Hong Kong in the mid-1980s. A business trip to a bear farm in the mainland in 1993 changed her life. She saw so many moon bears killed by people. That made her cry. She said she would be back to set them free.?
In 1998, she set up the Animal Foundation. In July 2000, the foundation agreed to free 500 farmed moon bears. In 2002, the Moon Bear Rescue(救援)Center was set up in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.?
Now, bear farms have been stopped in the area of two-thirds of China. “As much as we rescue them, they rescue us. These bears rescue us every single day and they teach us to be better people,” Robinson says.?
Jill Robinson
He first visited China in 1984 and became interested in Chinese culture.?
He often 78.       in the streets in Huangshi.?
He has also organized volunteers to collect rubbish in other cities.
She began working for the International Fund for Animal Welfare in the mid-1980s.
?79.               in the mainland changed her life in 1993.?
She set up the Animal Foundation in 1998.
In 2002, the Moon Bear Rescue Center was set up in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.
The two passages are about two foreigners who have helped improve Chinese lives with their contributions(贡献).We should 80.           them and do what we can to protect the environment.


Have you been back to the place where your ancestors lived, worked, studied and played?  Robert Qian , a Chinese Canadian, already has.Now in China, he has found that his family is like a tall tree with long roots.

Robert is just one young overseas Chinese who has come to visit his ancestors’ homeland, as part of the In Search of Roots summer camp program. The program is organized by the local government of Guangdong Province. This program started in 1980, and so far has brought thousands of overseas Chinese students to China to look for their families’ roots. The young people are usually between 16 and 25 years old. (1) Most, like Robert, can hardly speak any Chinese and have never been to  China before.

The students mainly visit parts of Guangdong Province in southern China. During the two-week camp, they study Chinese culture, see changes that have happened in that area, and visit interesting sights. (2) Going to their ancestors’ village is often the most exciting part of the trip. The students feel that they are part of the village, and experience village life. They drink from the village well, go for walks through the countryside, and watch the villagers do their daily activities.

Cathy Qian, a young American student, had this to say, “ Thanks to In Search of Roots, I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots and who I am. It has been a great trip, and I have so many memories of China to take with me .”

The program leaders believe strongly in the program and say that the purpose of it is to give young overseas Chinese the chance to learn more about themselves. “I’ve really enjoyed the trip so far,” says Robert.“This has been a big step for me, and I’m looking forward to finding out more about my roots during my time here.   ”




            often the most exciting part of the trip                    their ancestors’village.


The program In Search of Roots has helped Robert and many other overseas Chinese learn more about their             and             .



Tokyo, March 11, 2011

People left their houses near Sendai, northern Japan on March 11th.
A man and child look out over destroyed homes after a tsunami(海啸) and earthquake.
Nuclear crises(核危机) in Japan’s power plants(核电站).

Could it have been worse?
More than a minute before the earth under their feet began to shake, many millions of Japanese people got cell phone alerts; TV networks interrupted (打断,中断) their broadcasts and turned to the latest announcement of Japanese government; loud speakers started suddenly to warn people of the coming tsunami; bullet trains came to a stop. The earthquake on March 11 was the first test of the nation’s earthquake early-warning technology (地震预警技术). However, in the fight of Man vs Nature, Nature won again. Hundreds, if not thousands of people, lost their lives in Japan. Scientists believe it is the fifth-strongest quake in the world since 1900 and the most powerful on record ever to hit Japan.
Lin tells of calm survivors
When the office began to shake, his friends were calm and still working. But the shaking became stronger. People shouted at him: “Run out of the building, now!” This was Lin Jia’s first experience of an earthquake. Lin, 26, has been in Japan for three months, working as a software engineer in Shinagawa, Tokyo. Lin stayed with others in a bus station all afternoon. Buildings were shaken by a series(系列) of aftershocks. He was nervous, but the people around him were so calm and organized that he gradually (逐渐) calmed down.
【小题1】What does the underlined word “alert” mean?
【小题2】 How many ways of earthquake early-warning are mentioned in the passage?
【小题3】 Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Lin Jia has never met with an earthquake in Japan.
B.There have been five earthquakes in Japan since 1900.
C.The earthquake is the most powerful on record ever to hit Japan.
D.The local government warned people of the coming earthquake in some ways.
【小题4】 What is the most important after an earthquake according to the article?
A.Keep away from the nuclear power plants.
B.Running out of the building.
C.Keep calm and organized.
D.Get the cell phone alerts
【小题5】 Where does this article probably come from?
A.a newspaperB.an advertisementC.a diaryD.a novel


Almost every child in big cities has the chance to go to school. Nine years’ studying helps children to prepare for their future lives. In fact, many students can study for more than nine years. Not all children are so lucky.

There is a girl called Xiao Fang. She is eight years old and lives in a small village in Guangxi. When she was younger, she wanted to go to school, but she could not because her family was too poor. The schools were too expensive, so her parents kept her at home. Instead of studying, Xiao Fang worked in the fields with her parents.

Then Project Hope heard about Xiao Fang. It agreed to help Xiao Fang to go to school. Her wish came true, and now she is studying in a school. Unluckily, there are many thousands of children who can not go to school. You can help these children.

Project Hope also helps to repair school buildings.

All this good work costs money. Project Hope needs your help. If you give Project Hope ¥300, we can pay for one child to go to school for a whole year. With more money, Project Hope can build new schools. The money buys good desks, chairs, blackboards and books. To help us is to help Xiao Fang and many other children to have a good start in life.

1.______________can go to school.

A. Almost everyone in the world           B. Almost everyone in China

C. Almost everyone in big cities           D. Almost everyone in small villages


2.Xiao Fang didn’t go to school when she was younger because_______.          .

A. her family was too poor               B. she didn’t like school

C. there was too much work for her to do    D. she could learn nothing at school

3.With¥300,  ______________.

A. one child can go to school for nine years

B. a new school can be built

C. many children can go to school

D. a child can go to school for a year

4.Xiao Fang is studying in a school because _________________________.         .

A. Project Hope heard from her

B. Project Hope helped her

C. she knew someone working in Project Hope

D. she wrote a letter to the newspaper

5. Project Hope helps__________________________.         .

A. children who are too poor to go to school   B. to repair school buildings

C. children to go to school                 D. all the above



The Year of the Rabbit(兔) will begin on February 3, 2011. We Chinese use 12 different animals to stand for(象征)the order of our birth year. What does it mean to be a “rabbit” ? The rabbit is a symbol(象征) for kind, elegance(优雅) and a love of beauty. People born in the Year of the Rabbit are kind and quick-minded(思维敏捷的). Although they are sometimes shy, they have a strong mind and will run after their dreams all their lives.
Rabbit people are talented and they like artistic activities, such as music and painting. They are so kind and well organized (有良好组织能力的) that they can be great teachers. There are some famous people who were born in the Year of the Rabbit. For example, actress US Angelina Jolie and England soccer star David Beckham. In China, famous director Zhang Yimou and kung fu star Jet Li are rabbits, too.
【小题1】2011 is the Year of ________.
【小题2】What’s the Chinese meaning of the word “artistic”?
【小题3】According to the passage, rabbit people may be __________.
A.wild B.quietC.kindD.calm

