(三)录音中有一段对话.对话听两遍.然后从每小题A.B.C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案. 11. What does the woman want to buy? A. Drugs. B. Elevator. C. Dictionary. 12. Where is the drug store? A. On the second floor. B. On the fourth floor. C. Near the bank. 13. Where is the bank? A. On the third floor. B. Next to the drug store. C. Near the bookstore. 14. Does the man know where the escalator is? A. We don’t know. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he doesn’t. 15. Why does the woman want to know where the bank is? A. She wants to meet friends. B. She wants to buy a dictionary. C. She wants to exchange money. 查看更多




1.A.It's raining.                           B.It's windy.                      C.It's sunny.

2.A.By bus.                                B.By bike.                         C.By car.

3.A.One kilometre.                      B.Two kilometres.              C.Three kilometres.

4.A.She hurt her left leg.              B.She hurt her right leg.   C.She hurt her left arm.

5.A.At 2:00.      B.At 1:45.       C.At 2:15.



1.A.No. 5.                 B.No. 15.              C.No. 25.

2.A.The traffic is bad.    B.Every place is crowded.

   C.It has many old buildings.

3.A.He's a student.

   B.He just arrived at this city.

   C.He also goes to the National Palace Museum.

4.A.To see an exhibition(展览).  B.To meet her friend.

   C.To visit her son.

5.A.On a bus.              B.At a bus stop.       C.At a train station.


enroll / in'reul/ u. 注册)
Family name Williams
Given name (1)______________
Country (2)______________
(3)______________ 9 Crew Street
Age (4)______________
Telephone No. (5)______________




Full Name 1.______
Address 2.______ 337 , Kendall
State 3.______
Date of Birth 4.______, 1993
Tel. Number 5.______


1. When does Jim usually get up?
A. At five o'clock.
B. At five thirty.
C. At seven o'clock.
2. What does Jim usually do in the morning?
A. He takes a shower.
B. He does his homework.
C. He reads English.
3. What does Jim like?
A. Running.
B. Drawing
C. Singing.
4. What time does Jane usually go to bed?
A. At nine o'clock.
B. At nine thirty.
C. At ten o'clock.
5. What does Jane usually do in the evening?
A. She plays sports.
B. She watches TV.
C. She reads English.

