(一)读音标.写单词 56./kl כk/ 57./w כt∫ / 查看更多





1. Sun Haiping is Liu Xiang's ___________/ k?ut /.
2. My parents always ___________/  / me when I haven't got good marks.
3. Liu Xiang broke the world ___________/'rek:d / with a time of 12.88 seconds in 2006. Now he is
still the holder(保持者).
4. Every Chinese hopes Liu Xiang will get a new gold ___________/'medl / at the Beijing Olympics.
5. Jim was chosen to ___________/'ri:pri'zent / the students' union to attend the meeting.
6. We should go to bed and get up ___________ /'regju:l?li / every day.



66./’evə/                  67./sel/               68./stil/       ___ 

69./sæd/                  70./’lΛkili/                    




51. People can enjoy a sport without _______(加入)a club.

52. Tom says he's going to be a policeman when he_______(成长).

53. Your grandfather_______(打仗)in World War II, didn't he?

54. He tried another way to open the door, but it didn't_______(凑效).

55. — Which month do you like best? — The f_______ one, that is, April.

56. Did they s_______ everywhere for the lost child?

57. I m_______ the bus and had to wait half an hour for the next one.

58. The fridge is _______/'empti/ so we need to buy some food from the supermarket.

59. Parrots are very clever. They can _______ /ri'pi:t/ people's words.

60. Do you think he has the_______ /a'bilati/ to finish this task?



I am a    56  (记者) from CCTV. Today we are in a famous    57  (公园) in Hangzhou. It is spring now. It is cold but    58  (晴朗的). There are many people here. Some boys are         ___59  (踢) soccer on the grass. Some girls are reading    60  (在…附近) the trees. They are very ___61_ _ (安静的). Look at those __ 62_ __ (年轻的) people. They are taking photos _ _63_ _ (用) their cameras. Some old people are walking around. __ _64__ _ (如果) you come here, you know it is a good place to ___65 __ (参观) .

