A: Let's play tennis. B: 91. But I don't have a tennis racket. Do you have a tennis ball and tennis rackets? A: No, I don't. But I have a soccer. 92 B: No. 93 Let's play ping-pong? A: 94 B: It's in my backpack. Do you have a bat? A: No, I don't, but my brother has a bat and ball. B: Good. Where is he? A: 95 A.He’s in his bedroom. B.Let’s play basketball. C.That sounds fun. D.Good.Where is it? E.Do you have a tennis racket? F.That sounds boring. G.Let’s play soccer. 查看更多



1.—_______ you like playing basketball?
   —Yes,I do.                                                            
   —Let's______ _______.
   —That sounds good. 
2.—Let's play soccer.

  —I don't_______a soccer ball._______
  —I have a_______ ________.                                  
  —Let's play tennis.

  —That sounds interesting.
3.—Do you ______ sports?                                            
   —Yes,I do.I often _______ with my friends.


根据下面对话  中的情景,在空白处填入适当的单词,使对话内容完整.每空一词。
A :Let's play tennis.
B: That 1________interesting.  Where is your tennis?
A: It's under the desk. 2______ you have a tennis racket?
B: No,I don't.I have a soccer and a volleyball, but I 3______have a tennis racket.
A: Does your sister 4______ a tennis racket?
B: No, she 5______.She plays baseball.
A: Oh, then let's play baseball. It's fun, too.


A. He's in his bedroom. 
B. Let's play basketball. 
C. That sounds fun. 
D. Good. Where is it? 
E. Do you have a tennis racket? 
F. That sounds boring. 
G. Let's play soccer.
A—Let's play tennis.
B—1_____ But I don't have a tennis racket. Do you have a tennis ball?
A—No, I don't.  But I have a soccer. 2_____ 
B—No. 3_____ Let's play ping-pong. I have a ping-pong bat.
B—It's in my backpack. Do you have a bat?
A—No, I don't. But my brother has a bat and a ball.
B—Good. Where is he?


A. He's in his bedroom. 
B. Let's play basketball.
C. That sounds fun. 
D. Good. Where is it?
E. Do you have a tennis racket?
F. That sounds boring.
G. Let's play soccer.
A:Let's play tennis. 
B: 1._____    But I don't have a tennis racket. Do you have a  tennis ball? 
A: No, I don't. But I have a soccer.    2._____ 
B: No.   3._____   Let's play ping-pong.I have a ping-pong bat. 
A: 4 ._____
B: It's in my backpack. Do you have a bat? 
A: No, I don't. But my brother has a bat and a ball. 
B: Good. Where is he? 
A: 5._____



A: Good afternoon, Jack !
B: Good afternoon, Jim!
A:    1   Jack ?
B: Yes, I do. I like doing some sports. I play sports every day.
A: Really?    2  
B: Well, I like basketball and soccer.
A:    3  
B: I like it very much.    4  My father and I often play it on weekend. How about you?
A: I like it, too. I have a tennis racket .Let’s play tennis.
B:    5   Let’s go!

