Keep a map in your back pack. Then you won’t get when you traveling. A.lost B.thirsty C.hungry D.tired 查看更多




Draw a giraffe in your mind. How did you draw your giraffe? Does it have a long neck? Does it have long legs? Is it really tall? When people think of giraffes, they think of their long necks. A long neck and four long legs make the giraffe the tallest land animal on earth. A giraffe is 1.8m tall when it is born, and some giraffes get up to 6m tall when they are all grown up.
But did you know that giraffes also have long tongues? Have you seen the tongue of a giraffe before? A giraffe has a very long tongue which can hold and wrap (包) around objects. The tongue is designed for feeding, but it can be used in many different ways. For example, a giraffe can close its nose with its long tongue completely to keep out sand and dust. Also, a giraffe’s tongue is long enough to clean its owner’s ears as well!
The tongue is black in colour to protect it from getting sunburnt (晒伤). It is nearly 56cm long. Giraffe only eat plants, and a full grown giraffe can eat 33kg of leaves a day. When giraffes look for some tall trees to eat, they sometimes fight with elephants for food. Giraffes use their tongue to eat leaves from some tall trees. The giraffe’s tongue is a helpful tool for reaching leaves and breaking off branches.
【小题1】 What is this article mainly about?
【小题2】What does a giraffe feed on?
【小题3】 What color is the tongue of a giraffe? Why?
【小题4】Give two examples of the use of the giraffe’s tongue.
(1) ___________________________________ (2) __________________________________


Because earthquakes happen without warning, it’s important to take steps now to prepare. Because you don’t know where you will be when an earthquake happens, prepare some supplies for your home, workplace, and car.

1. Water.

A person needs at least 1/2 gallon of water daily just for drinking. Store at least1 gallon of water per person per day and be prepared for a 72-hour period. It’s suggested that you buy bottled water. Keep bottled water in its original container and do not open it until you need to use it. Also, do check the “use by” date.

2. Food.

It’s always a practical idea to keep a supply of non-perishable(不易腐烂的) food on hand. Have an enough supply of canned food, dried milk, dried fruits, non-salted nuts and canned juices for at least 72 hours.

3. Flashlights and spare batteries.

Keep a flashlight beside your bed, at your place of work, and in your car. Do not use matches or candles after an earthquake until you are sure that no gas leaks.

Prepare a battery –powered radio and spare batteries. Most telephones will be out of order, so radios will be your best source of information.

4. Clothes.

If you live in a cold place, you must think about warmth. You might not have heat after an earthquake. Think about your clothing and bedding supplies.

1.You should prepare all of the following except _______________.

A.canned juices

B.dried fruits

C.fresh vegetables

D.dried milk

2.If you live in a cold place, you should prepare _______________ .

A.some warm clothes and bedding supplies

B.some hot water

C.some batteries

D.some flashlights

3.According to the article we know that _________________.

A.clothes are used to protect your head

B.a telephone is the most important prepared thing

C.flashlights but not matches are first used after earthquakes

D.we need to prepare some supplies only at home



Michael Jordon is the greatest basketball player of all time. Once he was making a television advertisement, all he needed to do was to miss a shot.

For Michael, this was difficult. He had conditioned(定位) himself to succeed whenever he was throwing the ball. Every time he threw a basketball, it went in. Every time he tried to miss a shot, he couldn’t. In total, it took him over 20 attempts (尝试) before he missed a shot.

For Michael, success is a strong habit. It took him a lot of time to break it. Just like drinking, smoking and collecting things, success is also a habit. Once it is formed, it is difficult to break. Many people think that success is difficult to keep. They feel that it will be hard work and will need too much action and focus. The truth is that it is simply a habit, and as easy to keep as any other habit.

Spend some time making success a habit in your life. Once you have developed it, it is not something you want to change again.

1.In the advertisement Michael Jordon needed to ______________.

A.miss a shot        B.throw the basketball in                   C.keep his habit   D.develop his skills

2.The writer used the example of Michael Jordon to tell us ________.

A.he is the best basketball player of all time     B.he had worked very hard to be successful

C.success is a strong habit                  D.success is a habit that is not difficult to break

3.Which of the following is not the habit mentioned in the passage?

A.drinking          B.smoking           C.collecting things    D.working hard

4.If you want to succeed , you must____________.

A.miss the shot                           B.make success a habit

C.keep throwing                          D.make an advertisement



Because earthquakes happen without warning, it’s important to take steps now to prepare. Because you don’t know where you will be when an earthquake happens, prepare some supplies for your home, workplace, and car.
1. Water.
A person needs at least 1/2 gallon of water daily just for drinking. Store at least 1 gallon of water per person per day and be prepared for a 72-hour period. It is suggested that you buy bottled water. Keep bottled water in its original container and do not open it until you need to use it. Also, do check the “use by” date.
2. Food.
It’s always a practical idea to keep a supply of non-perishable(不易腐烂的) food on hand. Have an enough supply of canned food, powdered milk, dried fruits, non-salted nuts and canned juices for at least 72 hours.
3. Flashlights(手电筒) and spare batteries.
Keep a flashlight beside your bed, at your place of work, and in your car. Do not use matches or candles after an earthquake until you are sure that no gas leaks.
Prepare a battery-powered radio and spare batteries. Most telephones will be out of order, so radios will be your best source of information.
4. Clothes.
If you live in a cold place, you must think about warmth. You might not have heat after an earthquake. Think about your clothing and bedding supplies.
【小题1】Why should people prepare themselves for an earthquake?

A.Because earthquakes can be known before they happen.
B.Because earthquakes take place without warning.
C.Because earthquakes usually take place in the neighborhood.
D.Because it’s people’s daily work to prepare the earthquakes.
【小题2】 About the prepared water, which description is RIGHT?
A.A person should prepare 0.5 gallon of water for one day.
B.You’d better use your own containers to keep water.
C.You’d better open the bottled water when you buy it.
D.You shouldn’t open the bottled water until you need it.
【小题3】 You should prepare all of the following except ______.
A.powdered milkB.fresh vegetables
C.dried fruitsD.canned juices
【小题4】According to the article we know that ______.
A.we need to prepare some supplies only at home
B.a telephone is the most important prepared thing
C.flashlights but not matches are first used after earthquakes
D.clothes are used to protect your head
【小题5】If you live in a cold place, you should prepare _______.
A.some warm clothes and bedding suppliesB.some hot water
C.some batteriesD.some flashlights


Because earthquakes happen without warning, it’s important to take steps now to prepare. Because you don’t know where you will be when an earthquake happens, prepare some supplies for your home, workplace, and car.
1. Water.
A person needs at least 1/2 gallon of water daily just for drinking. Store at least 1 gallon of water per person per day and be prepared for a 72-hour period. It is suggested that you buy bottled water. Keep bottled water in its original container and do not open it until you need to use it. Also, do check the “use by” date.
2. Food.
It’s always a practical idea to keep a supply of non-perishable(不易腐烂的) food on hand. Have an enough supply of canned food, powdered milk, dried fruits, non-salted nuts and canned juices for at least 72 hours.
3. Flashlights(手电筒) and spare batteries.
Keep a flashlight beside your bed, at your place of work, and in your car. Do not use matches or candles after an earthquake until you are sure that no gas leaks.
Prepare a battery-powered radio and spare batteries. Most telephones will be out of order, so radios will be your best source of information.
4. Clothes.
If you live in a cold place, you must think about warmth. You might not have heat after an earthquake. Think about your clothing and bedding supplies.
【小题1】 Why should people prepare themselves for an earthquake?

A.Because earthquakes can be known before they happen.
B.Because earthquakes take place without warning.
C.Because earthquakes usually take place in the neighborhood.
D.Because it’s people’s daily work to prepare the earthquakes.
【小题2】 About the prepared water, which description is RIGHT?
A.A person should prepare 0.5 gallon of water for one day.
B.You’d better use your own containers to keep water.
C.You’d better open the bottled water when you buy it.
D.You shouldn’t open the bottled water until you need it.
【小题3】 You should prepare all of the following except ______.
A.powdered milkB.fresh vegetables
C.dried fruitsD.canned juices
【小题4】According to the article we know that ______.
A.we need to prepare some supplies only at home
B.a telephone is the most important prepared thing
C.flashlights but not matches are first used after earthquakes
D.clothes are used to protect your head
【小题5】 If you live in a cold place, you should prepare _______.
A.some warm clothes and bedding suppliesB.some hot water
C.some batteriesD.some flashlights

