A)根据句意.首字母提示完成单词.51.I h ever eat junk food, because it’s unhealthy food. 查看更多



1. Thank you for __________ (invite) me.
2. I’m planning __________ (spend) time in the beautiful countryside.
3. We’re __________ (leave) for Beijing for vacation next week.
4 We often have fun _______ (play )basketball after school.
5. We should eat a _________ (balance) diet to stay healthy.
6. She draws as ______ (well) as Han Mei.
7. My parents are learning how ______ (use ) the computer.
8. What about ______ (go ) to the concert?
9. Please ________(not talk ) in class.
10.Which book is a little _______ (easy), this one or that one?



1.I h_________ ever eat junk food, because it’s unhealthy food.

2.Maria  e__________ every day, so she is in good health.

3.You should drink some hot tea w_________ honey.

4.Mary is t_________.Please bring her some water.

5.I can’t go to the movies this Saturday.I have to have my piano l______.

6.There are many v______ on the beach.

7.When it rains ,you should take an u______.(雨伞)

8.Yao Ming is a basketball p______.

9.I want to be a policeman in the f______.

10.Our class is going to win the first p______ for the exercises contest.


1.E_________ is ready,let's begin our class.
2.She said she was m_________ at Cathy.
3.Don't be n_________,I am sure you can pass the exam if you work hard.
4.You should r_________ the book to the library after you finish reading.
5.You ran so fast that I couldn't f_________ you.Please wait for me.
6.The children were playing' football on the p_________ when I got to school.
7.It's wrong to c_________ others' homework.You should do it by yourself.
8.I like living in a small v_________ because it's very quiet and the air is very fresh.


1. It's good manners to keep q__________ in a library.
2. Uncle Rick spent the whole afternoon f__________ our broken bikes.
3. Mr.Kennard is a teacher of much e__________.He has taught in several countries.
4. Eating more f__________ vegetables is good for health.
5. Boys and girls, please pay a__________ to your handwriting. Write clearly and correctly.
6. Could you tell me how to i__________ my spoken English?
7. Don't go a__________ the street unless the traffic light turns green.
8. December is the t__________ month of a year.
9. The astronauts who flew into space in Shenzhou V and VI are the national h__________ of China.
10. We were all r__________ tired when we got to the top of the mountain.


1.November is the e_______ month of a year.
2.Lakers will play a_______ Rockets in the NBA match tonight.
3.Lingling, Betty and I enjoyed o_______ at the party last night.
4.Dragon Boat Festival is one of the Chinese t_______ festivals.
5.F_______, the soldiers arrived at the village after a few days' long walk.
6.If there's something wrong with your teeth, you'd better go to see a d_______.
7.Many teenagers would like to s_______ their photos or articles with others on the Internet.

