3.I’m afraid your is not correct. 查看更多



补全对话 从方框中所给的选项中选择正确的句子补全以下对话(10分)

A:Hello! May I speak to Sally?

B:  38  May I take a message?

A:Yes. This is her friend Maria calling. Would you please ask Sally to bring a VCD of popular songs to the evening party tonight?

B:  39  Wait a moment. I’ll get a pen to write this down.“Maria called. You should bring a VCD of popular songs to the evening party tonight. Is it right?”

A:Yes.  40  You may also tell her to call me back if she has a chance.

B:All right.  41 

A:My number is 2385729. Now I’ll say it again 2-3-8-5-7-2-9.

B:OK, I think she will see the message when she comes back.

A:  42  Goodbye.


A:Thank you.

B:That’s right.

C:What’s your telephone number?


E:I’m afraid she is not in.

38.__________ 39.__________ 40._________ 41._________ 42._________



单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
【小题1】It is good for your writing to keep __________(日记).
【小题2】 The boy had no difficulty __________(解释)the answers to his classmates.
【小题3】Daniel is __________(实事求是的)and never dreams about everything.
【小题4】Please try to do it __________(不同地).
【小题5】The twins __________(争吵)with each other before their parents returned home.
【小题6】 I’m afraid this is the only double room __________(可获得的).
【小题7】 That’s all right. I have __________(原谅)you for what you did.
【小题8】The man looks even __________(疯的)than his wife.
【小题9】I used to live on the __________(二十二)floor.
【小题10】Sigmund Friend gave Tom a very useful! __________(建议)on study.


单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


1.It is good for your writing to keep __________(日记).

2. The boy had no difficulty __________(解释)the answers to his classmates.

3.Daniel is __________(实事求是的)and never dreams about everything.

4.Please try to do it __________(不同地).

5.The twins __________(争吵)with each other before their parents returned home.

6. I'm afraid this is the only double room __________(可获得的).

7. That's all right. I have __________(原谅)you for what you did.

8.The man looks even __________(疯的)than his wife.

9.I used to live on the __________(二十二)floor.

10.Sigmund Friend gave Tom a very useful! __________(建议)on study.



any,bring ,then,go ,speak,many,be,head,enough,angry  
     A man wanted to buy a hat.So he went to a hat shop and 1._____ to the assistant, "I'd like to buy a
hat, please." he sad."Can I try it on, please?" "Of course," the assistant answered and he brought several 2._______  
     The man tried them on one by one, but be didn't like 3._____ of them."This one is big and this one
doesn't look very nice and this one must be too cheap.Would you mind 4.______ a few more hats,
please?" "Not at all,'" the assistant said.He 5.______ to the back of the shop and brought some 6._____ hats."Let's try this one." the man said, "No, I'm afraid it's too wide." "Let's try that one." "No, I'm
afraid it isn't wide 7._______" the man said.
     "Would you like to try this one?" the assistant asked.
     "No.it doesn't look very good" "Shall I bring some more?" the assistant asked.He 8._____ very
happy, but he went to the bark of the shop and brought out all the hats.Of course, the man didn't like any of them.
     "Those hats are not the right size," the man sad.The assistant was very unhappy now."The hats are all right, sir," he said 9.______ , "but I'm afraid your 10.______ isn't the right size."


must, both, all, quiet, young, nothing, anything, long, dance, well, from
       I have a twin sister, Lily. She has   1   hair than me. Many people think we   2   have lots of things in
common. I'm afraid it is not true. When rny parents' friends come to our home, Lily often sits there and says   3   , but I like to have a good chat with them. So she is   4   than me. Lily likes reading, drawing,   5   ,
cooking and so on: Ijust like playing basketball. She has more hobbies than me, but she is not as athletic as me. Because Lily does   6   than me in the study, my parents often say to me," You should learn   7   your
  8  . sister."As the twins, of course we have some similarities(相似之处). For example, we   9   like eating fast food, going shopping and listening to some pop music.

