38.As everyone knows.a lot of waste we produce does harm our environment. A.in B.at C.to D.for 查看更多



As everyone knows, (1) e______________ fast walk or slow walk does good to the muscles and lungs of human. So people walk to build up their body, or to lose (2) w_____________. But only some of them know that taking a walk every day is also good for (3) p______________ man’s heart. Heart attack has become the first disease in the world (4) b_____________ more and more people suffer from it.
Taking a walk can improve the blood supply to our hearts. If you try to walk as (5) o___________ as possible, you’ll have a healthier heart.


A judge was working in his room one day when a neighbour ran in and said, “If one man's cow kills another's, is the owner of the first cow responsible?”
“It depends,” answered the judge.
“Well,” said the man, your cow has killed mine.
“Oh,” answered the judge. “Everyone knows that a cow cannot think like a man, so a cow is not responsible, and that means that its owner is not responsible either.”
“I am sorry, Judge,” said the man. “I made a mistake. I meant that my cow killed yours.”
The judge thought for a few seconds and then said,“ When I think about it more carefully, this case is not as easy as I thought at first. ”And then he turned to his clerk and said, “Please bring me that big black book from the shelf behind you.”
【小题1】The neighbour asked the judge_______.

A.whether the first cow was responsible
B.whether the owner of the first cow was responsible
C.whether both cows were responsible
D.whether both the owners were responsible
【小题2】When the neighbour reported that the judge's cow had killed his, the judge answered that______.
A.a cow was responsible
B.its owner was not responsible
C.neither a cow nor its owner was responsible
D.his cow was responsible
【小题3】When the neighbour heard this, he told the judge that_______.
A.there was nothing happened
B.his cow had been killed
C.it was his cow that had killed the judge's
D.both cows had been killed
【小题4】When the judge heard that his cow had died, he________.
A.got angry
B.said nothing
C.put his neighbor into prison
D.changed what he had said at first
【小题5】In this story the judge was______.
A.a clever judgeB.a humorist C.unfair D.foolish


A teenage girl couldn’t stand(忍受)her family rules, so she left home.
She wanted to be a star and became famous. But she had a little education and    41   years later, she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still ___42___ her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she    43   a big photo of her daughter on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes, “I still love you …Come back home!”
One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. She was so surprised that she couldn’t believe her    44  . “Is that me?” She moved    45   and read the words, “I still love you…” She cried. She couldn’t wait    ___46   back home. When she got home, it was early morning. She pushed the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to the bedroom at once. Her mother was sleeping there. She    47   her mother up, “It’s me! Your daughter is back home!” The mother and daughter looked at each other with excitement, full of happy tears. The daughter asked, “   48  is the door unlocked? A thief could get in.” The mother answered softly, “The door has never locked    49   you left. We miss you all the time. We believe that you’ll come back some day.”
As everyone knows, parents love their children forever. Children should also understand their parents and share their happiness, sadness, even everything with their parents.    50   this way, both parents and children can be happy.

A.a littleB.a fewC.muchD.many
A.looking forB.looking afterC.looking atD.looking up
A.sets onB.puts upC.cuts upD.makes up
A.goingB.goC.to goneD.to go
A.wakeB.wakes C.wokeD.waking
A.withB.in C.byD.on


 As everyone knows, rubbish _______ everywhere.

A. need be thrown                   B. mustn’t be thrown

C. can’t throw                     D. may throw


A judge was working in his room one day when a neighbour ran in and said, “If one man's cow kills another's, is the owner of the first cow responsible?”

“It depends,” answered the judge.

“Well,” said the man, your cow has killed mine.

“Oh,” answered the judge. “Everyone knows that a cow cannot think like a man, so a cow is not responsible, and that means that its owner is not responsible either.”

“I am sorry, Judge,” said the man. “I made a mistake. I meant that my cow killed yours.”

The judge thought for a few seconds and then said,“ When I think about it more carefully, this case is not as easy as I thought at first. ”And then he turned to his clerk and said, “Please bring me that big black book from the shelf behind you.”

1.The neighbour asked the judge_______.

A.whether the first cow was responsible

B.whether the owner of the first cow was responsible

C.whether both cows were responsible

D.whether both the owners were responsible

2.When the neighbour reported that the judge's cow had killed his, the judge answered that______.

A.a cow was responsible

B.its owner was not responsible

C.neither a cow nor its owner was responsible

D.his cow was responsible

3.When the neighbour heard this, he told the judge that_______.

A.there was nothing happened

B.his cow had been killed

C.it was his cow that had killed the judge's

D.both cows had been killed

4.When the judge heard that his cow had died, he________.

A.got angry

B.said nothing

C.put his neighbor into prison

D.changed what he had said at first

5.In this story the judge was______.

A.a clever judge      B.a humorist         C.unfair            D.foolish


