A.根据句意及所给首字母或汉语提示完成单词.1.She needs an English-Chinese d . 查看更多




1.Please p_________ your car in the parking lot(停车场).

2.The boy is going to m ________ the girl next week.

3.The old building Was built many c________ ago.

4.—Could you please l_______ me your digital camera? Mine is broken.

   —Sure,I'd love to.

5.It's bad m_________ to spit or smoke in public places.

6.We can hardly _______ (想象)life without electricity.

7.She was walking ______(朝着,向着)the city when I met her.

8.The story has a wonderful _______(结局)。

9.Do you know what the most helpful ___(发明)are?

10.I bought this sweater ______(特意地)for my mother.



1.We have d         ourselves into three groups since this term.

2.Parents should often p         their children for their good work.

3.He has already         (准备了)a funny English story for the English party.

4.As we know,Liu Xiang is a         (成功的)player.

5.The lion is the         (象征)of courage.


6.There are a lot of         (leaf)on the tree when spring comes.

7.Danny wants to choose the most funny and         (excitement)job in the world.

8.You had to study hard before         (get)a chance to go abroad.

9.In good Chinese         (traditional),I told him that I enjoyed his present.

10.If I make a         (culture)mistake,please tell me what to do.


11.Tom often         (brush)his teeth every morning.

12.I'm strong enough         (carry)the big stone.

13.The dinner room must         (clean)three times a day.

14.My watch doesn't work.I'll have it         (mend)this week.

15.Would you mind my         (smoke)here,sir?



  1.I'm t_____.I want some water.

  2.My mom never drinks milk.She says it makes her s_______.

  3.---What's your favorite P____?

    ---It's Animal World.

  4.Traditional Chinese doctors b_______ we need a balance of yin and yang to be


  5.H_______ ,we both enjoy going to parties.

  6.Among some students,buses are not popular because they often have too many  ________

  7.It's not_______(必需的)to be the same.

  8.I love junk food,but I________ (努力)to eat it only once a week.

  9. I always take vacations in________(欧洲).

  10.About three days_________ (以前),I started to have a toothache.



1.She needs an English—Chinese d________________.

2.My father's sister is my a_________.

3.English is i_____.I like it very much.

4.Let's play c_____games.

5.---How do you s_______it?


6. I have many_____(照片)in my family.

7.She plays_____(运动)every day !

8.Those________(双肩背包)are Ben's and Maria's.

9.  Is your notebook_______(丢失的)?

10.________(看)at the ID card.



1.My favorite music is w_____________ music.It’s different from Chinese music.

2.His family is poor,but I_________,he can go to school with the help of a kind man.

3.There are the earth,the sun,the moon and many other stars in the u_________.

4.Listening to the radio in English every day can i_________ your English.

5.He is not good at English,please give him some a_______________.

6.I was waiting for the bus when ____________ (突然) it began to rain.

7.Vienna is the capital city of Austria and the ________(中心) of European classical music.

8.I’ve never won any travel ________(比赛).

9.We had a very fantastic ____________ (经历)in Hainan Island last summer.

10.We all _______ (欢呼) when Liu Xiang took the first prize in the race.

