5.I have red rulers. B)根据句意和所给的首字母提示.补全句子中的单词. 查看更多



1.What's this? (狮子)
2.What's his name? (丹尼)
3.How many apples do you have? (五个)
4.May I have two books? (谢谢,再见)
5. May I borrow your eraser, please?  (当然可以,给你)


     Hello!   My name's Mary Brown. 1    1       (be) a girl. I like(喜欢)red. I have(有) a red clock. What's this?  It      2     (be)my red pen.     3      (be)that my ruler?  Yes, it is. It is a red ruler. What     4       (be)
that? It is a jacket. Is it my jacket? No, it isn't. It__5     (be)Bob's jacket. It's white.


      Hello! My name's Mary Brown. I'm a girl. I like (喜欢) red. I have (有) a red backpack. What's this? It's my
red pencil case. Is that my ruler? Yes, it is. It is a red ruler. What's that? It is a watch. Is it my watch? No, it
isn't. It's Bob's watch. It's blue.
1. What's the girl's family name?
[     ]
A. Green.
B. Brown.
C. Miller.
2. The girl's favorite (最喜欢的) color is ______.
[     ]
A. red
B. blue
C. brown
3. What color is the watch? It's ______.
[     ]
A. red
B. blue
C. brown
4. Is that Bob's ruler?
[     ]
A. Yes, it is.
B. No, it is.
C. No, it isn't.
5. That is ______ watch.
[     ]
A. my
B. Mary's
C. Bob's


【小题1】I have __________ (两个) new friends. What about you?
【小题2】The dog and its _________ (主人) often have a walk after supper.
【小题3】My_________(姐姐)is a very good student in her class.
【小题4】The _________(警察)in the street are my brothers.
【小题5】There is a _______________(图书馆)in our school.
【小题6】This is a _________________(游泳)pool
【小题7】Who___________(有)a pet in your class?
【小题8】 I am in Class 1,__________ (年级)7 at Sunshine Middle School.
【小题9】We are all in Class 3, so we are __________(classmate).
【小题10】Mary, please _______(fly) kites in the park.
【小题11】There are five classrooms on the ___________ ( one ) floor.
【小题12】________(who) blouse is this?
【小题13】We all know Yao Ming is a basketball _________(play).
【小题14】Don’t take these _____________ ( watch) , please.
【小题15】His father is a kind man. He often helps others. He is very _____________(help).


I have ____   English book and ____ ruler.

A. a, an             B. a, a            C. an, an         D. an , a


