Kelly met my sister last month. Kelly your sister? Ⅳ.交际运用 15分 A. 选出能够填入空白处的最佳选项.5分 A: What can I do for you? B: Yes,please. 1 A: Yes.We have many colors of bags here,like black,red,blue,white and - B: 2 A: Yes.This kind of bags looks nice. B: 3 A: They are thirty dollars. B: 4 A: But this one looks really beautiful. B: 5 A.I think they’re a bit dear. B.Could I have a look those ones in black? C.Well,I’ll take it. D.How much are they? E.Do you have some bags? F.It’s Sunday today. G.Who are you? 查看更多



1. Don't break r_______ any more.
2. When the teacher asks you a question, you should answer l_______.
3. Please help me to w_______ the dishes.
4. Don't run in the h _______.
5. Don't arrive l_______ for the meeting.
6. Our class has many s_______ rules.
7. A few minutes ago, I met my sister on the p_______.
8. Plants can't live w_______ water and sunlight.
9. Her bike is b_______. She has to walk to school.
10.We h_______ to agree with his opinion.


I started to love running at a young age. I loved to race my father and my sister around the backyard. I wished I could run in the Olympics and win lots of medals.

One day my mother  41 an advertisement for a race in a newspaper. “Would you be  42 in taking part in this race ? ” she asked me, pointing to the advertisement.

  “Yes, of course.” I answered.

   I ____43___ the next few days practicing for my big race. My sister set up a table in the backyard so she could offer me water and  44  me.

   On the day of the race, just before the race , my father said to me , “ Don’t   45  up all your energy(能量)at the beginning of the race. You need to have energy ___46____ you can run much faster at the end. ”

  The race ____47___ . Following Dad’ s words, I didn’t run as fast as I could. Then the other runners started   48  me, which made me feel nervous. I began to feel tired, and I started slowing down and breathing __49__ .

  Just at that moment I heard, “ __50___, Kelly! You can do it ! Don’t give up . keep running!” Out of the comer of my eye I saw Dad running beside me around the outside or the track .

  I took a deep breath and tried my best to  51  on running. I didn’t win the race. I came fifth, but I   52  like a winner. I tried my best, and I hadn’t given up.

  Later, as I thought about the race, I felt thankful that my dad had _53__ left my side. He always encourages(鼓励) me when I __54___ giving up. He runs along side me through my life. I’ll remember my dad’s words forever, “Never give up. You can be a winner even if you  55 .”

(  )41.A. met              B. Found           C. got              D. saw

(  )42.A. surprised B. excited C. interested D. worried

(  )43.A. spend B. cost C. paid D. took

(  )44.A. see              B. watch        C. date             D. time

(  )45.A. keep     B. get         C. use        D.put

(  )46.A. because        B. so         C. since       D. but

(  )47.A. began         B. finished       C. reached    D. stopped

(  )48.A. pushing      B. pulling       C. passing           D. kicking

(  )49.A. easier          B. harder              C. shorter        D. longer

(  )50.A. Come down  B. Come on      C. Come out        D. Come back

(  )51.A. go            B. get         C. turn       D. put

(  )52. A. looked       B. felt          C. ran             D. sounded

(  )53. A. already      B. yet            C. once         D. never

(  )54.A. think over    B. keep on     C. feel like      D. decide on

(  )55.A. fail             B. lose            C. drop          D. win



I am Kim, I am 15 years old. I have a little sister, Kelly. She likes to go everywhere with me. It was a Saturday afternoon in summer. It was very ____and no one wanted to stay at home. I went swimming in the _____. My sister, Kelly wanted to go with me.

  “ Take her with you, Kim, ” said my father. “she will do what you say, I think.”

  Then we ____the river quickly. Many people were ___in it. I told Kelly to play on the bank*, then I jumped into the river. About an hour later, I got a ___ in my hand. Kelly was very _____. She found a bottle and put the fish in it.

   She did _______ but watching the fish that evening. Suddenly I heard Kelly ____in the room. I ran to her and asked,” what’s wrong ____you?”

  “ The fish has died,” she said “I thought it was ______. So I took it out of the bottle and put it on the chair, I only wanted it to have a rest.”

1.A. warm B. cool       C. hot        D.cold

2.A. river         B. sea        C. pool      D. ocean

3.A. got to out on    D. got up

4.A.washing       B.running C.resting   D.swimming C. duck

6.A. angry B. happy           C.sad       D.sorry

7.A.everything  B.something      C.nothing         D.anything  

8.A.singing      B.crying    C.smiling   D.talking

9.A.with          B.from                    D.on

10.A. hungry  C.tired       D. busy




    Lillian’s___________ is science.


    These books will be ___________ to the students in the poor villages.


    Whether we are climbing Mount Tai or not___________ the weather tomorrow.


    Teenagers should ___________ their problems of life by themselves.


    My sister___________ walk___________ take a car because of carsick.


I___________ my parents for a month.


    My mother is___________ a panty at home.


    A secret bomb,which was placed in the London underground by terrorist,has

    ______________________by the police.


I don't have a partner to___________.


I met him_____________________ in a crowed bus.



1. —What_____ you_____(do) when he arrived?   —I ___________(watch) TV at that time.

2. When I___________ (walk) in the street, I__________ (meet) my best friend Jim.

3. Mum_________ (buy) my father a nice coat and a pair of trousers last Sunday.

4. While my parents were doing some cleaning, my sister_________ (shout) to me loudly.

5. When he saw the thief steeling things in the office, he closed the door and ________ (call) the police.

6. I first met my girl friend two years ago, she__________ (work) in the supermarket.

7. Thank you for_________ (teach) us so well, my dear teacher.

8. What________ your parents_________ (do) at nine o’clock last night?

