23.--I have a cold today.I feel too bad. --Oh.you should a rest. A.to have B.have C.to take D.take 查看更多



Dialogue 1 从右侧方框内所给句子选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话,并将其代表字母写在题后的横线上,其中有两项是多余的。(共5分,每小题1分)

A:I think so.

B:That's too bad.

C:When did it start?

D:Where did it start?

E:I'm not feeling well.

F:Thank you.

G:That's all right.

A:What's the matter?

B:Hmmmm…1.I have a cold.


B:Oh,about three days ago.

A:___3.______.You should get a rest.


A:I hope you feel better soon.





1.  You must go at the moment .

A. now

B. later

C. soon

D. there

2. what’s the matter with you ?

A. what’s the up with you ?

B. what’s the worng with you ?

C. what’s the trouble with you ?

D. what’s matter with you?

3.  I have a cold .

A. catch

B. take

C. give

D. come

4.  She was angry with you for keeping her waiting

A. get

B. got

C. gets

D. getting

5.  You should also eat fruits and other healthy foods.

A. too

B. either

C. neither

D. or




A:What’s the trouble with you, Alan?

B:1. I have a cold.

A:I’m sorry to hear that. 2.

B:But I’m busy and I must finish my homework.

A:3. Then you can give your homework to him later.

B:Maybe you’re right.

A:Work is important. 4. You’d better go to see a doctor now.

B:OK, I’ll ask for leave right away. 5.  A:That’s all right.

A.Why not tell your teacher about it?

B.You should go to see a doctor.

C.Thank you very much.

D.I don’t feel well.

E.But you can do your job better when you are in good health.

F.I’m quite well.




A: What’s wrong with you, Helen?

B:    1.     I have a cold.

A: Bad luck!   2. 

B: Oh, but I’m busy now and I must

finish these exercises in the class.

A:  3.    He will ask you to

have a rest at home.

B:    4.    I don’t want to ask for leave.

A:   5.   You’d better lie down and have a good rest now.

B: OK. I’ll ask for leave at once. Thank you very much.



—What’s the matter with you?


A.I’m glad.

B.I have a cold.

C.I have something to do.

D.Don’t worry.


