1.I’ll read books to i my English. 查看更多




  She was only about five feet tall and probably never weighed more than 110 pounds, but Miss Bessie was a towering presence in the classroom.She was the only woman tough enough to make me read Beowulf and think for a few stupid days that I liked it.From 1938 to 1942, she taught me English, history-and a lot more than I realized.

  I shall never forget the day she scolded(批评)me into reading Beowulf.“But Miss Bessie, ” I complained, “I ain’t much interested in it.”

  Her large brown eyes became sharp.“Boy, ” she said, “how dare you say ‘ain’t’ to me! I’ve taught you better than that.”

  “Miss Bessie, ” I said, “I’m trying to join the football team, and if I go around saying ‘it isn’t’ and ‘they aren’t, ’ the guys are gonna laugh me off the team.”

  “Boy,” she replied, “you’ll play football because you have guts(勇气).But do you know what really takes guts? Refusing to lower your standards to those of the crowd.It takes guts to say you’ve got to live and be somebody fifty years after all the football games are over.”

  I started saying “it isn’t” and “they aren’t, ” and I still joined the team without losing my friends’ respect.

  Negroes, as we were called then, were not allowed in the town library, except to sweep floors or clean tables.But with the help of some nice whites, Miss Bessie kept getting books out of the white library.That is how she introduced me to the Bront?s, Byron and Keats.“If you don’t read, you can’t write, and if you can’t write, you might as well stop dreaming, ” Miss Bessie once told me.

  So I read whatever Miss Bessie told me to, and tried to remember the things she insisted that I store away.It could be embarrassing to be unprepared when Miss Bessie said, “Get up and tell the class who Frances Perkins is and what you think about her.” Forty-five years later, I can still recite her “truths to live by”.

  Miss Bessie noticed things that had nothing to do with schoolwork, but were essential to a youngster’s development.Once a few classmates made fun of my worn-out hand-me-down overcoat.As I was leaving school, Miss Bessie patted me on the back of that old overcoat and said, “Carl, never worry about what you don’t have.Just make the most of what you do have - a brain.”

  No child can get all the necessary support at home, and millions of poor children get no support at all.This is what makes a wise, educated, warm-hearted teacher like Miss Bessie so essential to the minds, hearts and souls of this country’s children.


The underlined words “towering presence in the first paragraph means _________.

[  ]


Miss Bessie was strong enough to influence her students


Miss Bessie was watching the students all the time


the students thought she was tall and heavy


the students felt nervous in front of her


What can we infer from the passage?

[  ]


Carl’s friends came from poor families.


Carl hated to read Beowulf in public.


Miss Bessie wanted Carl to be a better man.


Miss Bessie didn’t want Carl to play football.


Miss Bessie asked Carl to read a lot because _________.

[  ]


his parents were too poor to afford books


he was not allowed into the library


the whites didn’t want the blacks to read


she expected him to have a goal in life


Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

[  ]


Dreams Go with Education


An Unforgettable Lesson


Unforgettable Miss Bessie


Reading Makes a Full Man


A: Hi, Bill. You look unhappy. ___1___
B: I didn’t pass the English exam again.
A: ___2___But please don’t give up.
B: Well, maybe my way of learning English is not right.
A: ___3___
B: I learn it by doing my English homework early in the morning.
A: Oh, you should read books instead. It's easy to remember things early in the morning, don't you think
B: Mm, perhaps you’re right. I'll have a try.
A: Do you take notes in English class?
B: Never. I only listen to what the teacher says. What do you think of the way?    
A: ___4___ You should write down the important things the teacher tells you. After class, review it as
soon as possible.
B: OK. I'll do as you tell me.
A: Good luck to you!
B: ___5___




B:Hello?  1   Mrs.Green?

A:Yeah.Who’s that?

B:  2   Li Hua speaking.I called to ask for help with my English.

A:I’d be glad to help.What’s the problem?

B:I read very slowly.

A:Well, I have an idea that may help.  3   read more easy story books.

B:  4  .I’ll try that.

A:Also, I think reading after tapes can help a lot.

B:  5   for your advice.

A:You’re welcome.Goodbye.




一Hi,Bill.You look unhappy.  1 

一I didn’t pass the English exam again.

  2   But please don’t give up.

—Well,maybe my way of learning English is not right.

一I learn it by doing my English homework early in the morning.

一Oh,you should read books instead.It’s easy to remember things early in the morning,don’t you think so?

一Mm...,perhaps you’re right.I'll have a try.

—Do you take notes in English class?

一Never! I just listen to what the teacher says.What do you think of the way?

You should write down the important things that the teacher tells you.After class,review it as soon as possible.

—OK.I'll do as you tell me.

一Good luck to you!



My favorite great book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyers by Mark Twain.Tom lives with his aunt Polly in a quiet street of St Petersburg, Missouri.He’s a lively and clever young boy, and he finds himself in many exciting adventures (冒险).He runs away with his two friends, Huck Finn and Joe, to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River for several days.With Huck he goes looking for treasure, with Becky he gets lost in a cave, and finally, they find a box of gold.

My favorite scene in the book is when everyone thinks Tom is dead.He decides to go to his own funeral.He hides and watches for a time, and then suddenly he appears.Everyone is surprised to see him but they’re also pleased to see him alive.

Tom is the hero of the story, but there are other important characters.Huck is an outsider and everyone is afraid of him.Becky is pretty with fair hair, Joe is Tom’s best friend, and Injun Joe is the bad man of the story.

The theme of the story is about children growing up.It describes how strangers are seen in small towns of America.Finally, it talks about freedom, social rules and how people are punished (惩罚)for bad behavior.

Why do I think The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a great book? Mark Twain wrote the starry in 1876, but it’s still read anti loved by people all over the world today.And although it’s only a story, Twain wrote it in the everyday English of the southern states of America in the 19th century, so it sounds very real.Today it’s thought to be one of the greatest books in American literature.Go on—read it! I know you’ll enjoy it, too.

1.Where does Tom run away with his two friends?

A.To a quiet street.                                    B.To a small town.

C.To an island.                                            D.To a forest.

2.Who is the bad man in the story?

A.Huck Finn.          B.Injun Joe.            C.Becky.                 D.Polly

3.How did people feel when Tom appeared at his own funeral?

A.They were surprised and pleased.

B.They were surprised and sad.

C.They were worried and excited.

D.They were frightened and happy.

4.The whole book is mainly about         

A.freedom and social rules

B.children’s bad behavior

C.the growth of young children

D.strangers in American small towns

65.The writer writes the article to         

A.ask us to read the fork

B.tell us how popular the book is today

C.tell us when Mark Twain wrote the story

D.tell us why the story sounds very real

