第二节 根据句子中汉语词义或首字母提示写出所缺单词的正确形式. 66.Taking a plane is and faster than taking a train. 67.Lots of come to China to travel every year. 68.I’ m busy cooking in the kitchen.Could you please the floor? 69.She didn’t the sports meeting because she was ill last week. 70.一May I (借)your eraser? Mine is lost. 一Here you are. 71.It’s n for students to have breakfast every day. 72.We usually f the cat some fish. 73.Mary is good at art and she wants to be all a . 74.You should take the U with you.It’s raining heavily outside. 75.一How do you c with your friends? 一Bye-mails. 查看更多




1.Taking a plane is____(比较舒适的)and faster than taking a train.

2.Lots of____(游客)come to China to travel every year.

3.I’ m busy cooking in the kitchen.Could you please___(打扫)the floor?

4.She didn’t____(参加)the sports meeting because she was ill last week.

5.一May I_____(借)your eraser? Mine is lost. 

一Here you are.

6.It’s n_____ for students to have breakfast every day.

7.We usually f_____ the cat some fish.

8.Mary is good at art and she wants to be all a_____.           

9.You should take the U_____ with you.It’s raining heavily outside.

10.一How do you c____ with your friends? 




1. You should follow the  _________  (说明) before you take the medicine.

2. Jim's  _________  (梦想) is to be a reporter for magazine.

3. Could I _________  (邀请)my friends to a party?

4. I'm going to _________ (旅行)all over the world when I grow up.

5. Town Cinema is the best movie theater. It has the _________ (最热情的) service.

6. The ice is too thin. It's dangerous to s_________ on it.

7. My brother h _________ traveling by air, but he likes taking the trains.

8. Sanya is in Hainan Province in s _________ China.

9. Yao Ming is a very f________ basketball player in China.

10.—How m _________ yogurt do we need? —One teaspoon.



1.It’s so noisy outside,1 want to know what is h _______ (发生)there.    1._______

2.The farmers are busy with rice harvest in the _______(田地).           2._______

3.Mr. White t _______ (教) us English last year.                       3._______

4.You’ll _______ (错过)the first bus if you don’t hurry.                  4._______

5.Our path in life will not always be _______ (平坦).                    5._______

6.He drew the picture well,and the teacher P _______it pretty highly.      6._______

7.——Do you know who i _______Chinese chess?                       7._______

——I don’t know.

8.September 10th is T _______ Day.                                  8._______

9.Xuecheng attracts many t _______ from all over China every year.        9._______

10.She s _______one and a half hours doing her homework yesterday evening.10._______



1.The science is very______________(困难的)for me,so I don’t like it.

2.He likes____________(健康的)food for lunch.

3.She__________(教)us English this term.

4.this is a photo of my____________(家庭).

5.Our English teacher is_________(严格地)with us in class.

6.Maria usually____________(brush)her teeth for two times(两次)a day.

7.Mary can play chess,but she______________(not can)play chess well.

8.What a___________(fun)time to eat breakfast﹗

9.I love__________(tomato)very much.They are my favorite.

10.Many___________(music)join Our music club.


1. Even a child knows S______ is the last day of the week.
2. If everyone makes a contribution to p_______ the environment, the world will become more beautiful.
3. My sister works as a l_______ in a university library.
4. The disasters in the coal mines must be s_______ from happening again.
5. The Spiderman is an interesting film, so it's well w______ seeing.
6. We all went hiking yesterday e______ Tom.
7. I want to learn how to eat to keep me             (健康).
8. English is ______ (广泛) used by all over the world.
9. Just then , Jim came ______ (跑) along with laughing and singing.
10. Now people in the world realized that they must learn to care for their ______ (生活) environment.
11. We are all excited that our country has ______ (成功) sent Shenzhou VI.
12. My brother is studying ______ (国外).

