4. anytime you're in town. 查看更多




break,down,dress up,drop by,hand in,put off,pick up,run out of,set up,show up,work out

1.The customer _________ the magazine and put it down again.

2.“Now class,_________ your papers,” the teacher said to us.

3.The boy _________ his money.So he called his parents to send him some more.

4._________ anytime you're in town.

5.Never _________ till tomorrow what you can do today.

6.The elevators in this building are always _________.Please get them repaired.

7.China has _________ close relationships with many other countries.

8.Please _________ in a hurry.The party is going to start.

9.The movie star didn't ________ until the performances were over.That made us disappointed.

10.This math problem is rather difficult.Do you know how _________?

