12. There used to be a church here, ? A.don't there B.used not there C.didn't there D.didn't it 查看更多



There used to be a pine tree ________ my window.

  1. A.
    in the front of
  2. B.
    in front of
  3. C.
  4. D.


There used to be a hospital , __________?

A. didn’t there    B. isn’t there    C. wasn’t there    D. wasn’t it



— There used to be a lot of fish in the lake many years ago.

— Yes, but there are very _______ now because of the pollution.

A. few          B. fewer            C. little           D. less




1.We're trying to protect the environment.(对划线部分提问)

  _________are you trying _________ _________?

2.There used to be a lof cheetahs.(改为反意疑问句)

  There used to be a lot of cheetahs,______ _________?

3.They made Victor weigh himself just now. (改为被动语态)

  Victor_____ ______ to weigh himself just now..

4.They weigh about 1,ooo pounds. (对划线部分提问)

  ______ _______ do they weigh?

5.I think what you said is right. (同义句)

  I_______ ________you..

6. There's something wrong with the watch .(一般疑问句)

  ________ there ________ wrong with the watch ?

7.I like to go out to play, and I don't like to stay at home.(同义句)

 I prefer to play outside -------  -------stay at home.



There used to be a party on Saturday evenings in that school,        ?
A.was thereB.used itC.didn’t thereD.used there

