Please don't forget off the lights before you leave. 查看更多



1.  Thanks for _____ (take) care of my dog.
2.  Don't forget _____ (turn) off the lights when you leave the classroom.
3. Could you please_____ (feed) my goldfish?
4.  My mother_____ (borrow) some money last Sunday.
5.  I can't _____ (be) outside late.  I have to be back home before 9:00 pm.


1.Sally, how do you get on with your new neighbor?
A. Very well!
B. Don't panic.
C. What a pity!
2. Would you like to drink some tea?
A. Thank yo u.
B. No,please.
C. I'd love to,but I had a lot of coffee just now.
3.How was your trip,Mary?
A. Enjoy yourselves!
B. Thank you!
C. That was fantastic!
4.Don't forget to turn off the lights before you leave the room.
A. I won't.
B. I will.
C. Thanks.
5.If you need help,you can ask Project Hope.



1. If you want to cross a street, you ______ (wait) for the green light.

2. American fast food seems ______ (be) the most popular in the world.

3. They______ (eat) a lot of potatoes yesterday, so _____ I.

4. My mother made me_______ (clean) my room all by myself yesterday.

5. Please look carefully before you _______ (cross) the street.

6. There ______(not, be ) enough people to pick apples last September.

7._______ Mary ______ (move) to Japan a few weeks ago?

8. There ______ (be) no schools here in the past.

9. They ______ (plan) to go to Kunming for a holiday now.

10. Please don't forget______ (turn) off the lights before you leave.

