32.一 do your parents like for dinner? 一They like carrots. A.What’s B.What C.Where D.How 查看更多




86Tom is renting videos for vacation. (变为否定句)

Tom _____________ _____________ videos for vacation.

87 I go to school on foot every day.(变为一般疑问句)

____________ you ____________ to school on foot every day?

88 There were some famous singers in the concert.(变为一般疑问句)

____________ ____________ ____________ famous singers in the concert?

89 My parents go bike riding once a month.(划线部分提问)

____________ ____________ do your parents go bike hiking?

90 China joined the WTO ten years ago. (划线部分提问)

____________ ___________ China ____________ the WTO?

91 Lucy studies English well. Lily studies English well, too.(合并句子,句意不变)

____________ Lucy and Lily ____________ ____________ ___________ English study.



1.My parents go to see my grandpa once a week.(对画线部分提问)

________ ________ do your parents go to see your grandpa?

2.I have ever visited the Great Wall with my son.(改为否定句)

I ________ ________ visited the Great Wall with my son.

3.Let's protect the animals in the zoo.(改为反意疑问句)

Let's protect the animals in the zoo,________ ________?

4.The computer is very useful.(改为感叹句)

________ a ________ computer it is l

5.She likes going shopping better than staying at home.(同义句转换)

She ________ going shopping ________ staying at home.


补全对话, 每空一词.

A: Hi, Peter! __1__ are you reading?
B: Hi, Mike!  I'm reading TV listing in the newspaper.
A: How do you __2__ sports shows?
B: I love __3__. I like to watch basketball games. What __4__ you?
A: I love Animal World. I am interested in animas and I want to know more about them. What do
    you __5__ of it?
B: I like it, but not very much.
A: What do you think of soap operas?
B: I can't __6__.
A: How about your parents?
B: They like __7__ very much. Do your parents like them?
A: No, they like to watch the TV shows such as Man and Nature, Healthy and Cooking.
B: Different people like __8__ shows TV. TV can __9__ us a lot of pleasure.
A : Yes, I agree __10__ you.


1. 我常常想起上次见到你时你说的活。
    I often think about_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ I saw you.
2. 现在感党好点了吗?
    Are you_____ _____ now?
3. 客人们一个接一个离开了晚会。
    The guests left the party _____ _____ _____.
    _____ _____ _____ will I_____ _____ _____ a day?
5. 感冒时父母告诉你怎样做?
    _____ do your parents tell _____ _____ _____ when you have a cold?


1. Li Ping has a Soccer ball. (变为一般疑问句) 
    _______ Li Ping _______ a soccer ball?
2. Does she have a CD? (做肯定回答)
    _______, she _______.
3. He has a baseball bat. (变否定句)
    He _______ _______ a baseball bat.
4. You have a volleyball. (一般疑问句) 
    _______ you _______ a volleyball?
5. The boy doesn't have a TV. (肯定句)
    The boy _______ a TV.
6. I have a nice book. (改为否定句)
    I _______ _______ a nice book.
7. He likes his new room. (改为一般疑问句)
    _______ he _______ his new room?
8. Frank has four baseballs. (就画线部分提问) 
    _______ Frank _______?
9. My parents have five good friends. (就画线部分提问)? 
    _______ _______ friends do your parents have?
10. Do your father and mother like sport? (做肯定回答)
    _______, _______ _______.

