14.This hag is a little than that one. 查看更多



Last summer, Mark became a middle school student. He took an English test in the first month. Mark was a good student and he worked hard. He finished the questions easily until he read the last one: “Everyone sees our school’s cleaner every day. What’s her first name?” Of course, this question is a little special. Mark saw the woman some times. She was tall and her hair was dark. But Mark didn’t talk with her and didn’t know her first name. The test was over. Then one student asked the teacher, “Is the last question very important in this test?” “Yes,” said the teacher. “In our life, we meet many hard-working people. They are important. You should care about them. You should smile at them or say ‘hello’ to them.” Mark never forgot that question. He also learned that woman’s first name. It was Kathy.

1.What test did Mark have in his first month in the middle school?

A.Math.            B.Physics.           C.English.           D.Chinese.

2. What did Mark know about his school’s cleaner?

A.She was a little special.

B.She was tall with dark hair.

C.She often talked with the students.

D.Mark knew her first name.

3.What did Mark’s teacher think of the last question?

A.It was fun.                             B.It was interesting.

C.It was boring.                           D.It was important.

4.What does the sentence “You should smile at them or say ‘hello’ to them.” mean?





5.What’s the title(标题)of the passage?

A.A Special Question

B.A Hard-working Cleaner

C.A Good Teacher

D.A Clever Student



---This dress is a little             . Can you show me another one?
--- What about the orange one?



Last summer, Mark became a middle school student. He took an English test in the first month. Mark was a good student and he worked hard. He finished the questions easily until he read the last one: “Everyone sees our school’s cleaner every day. What’s her first name?” Of course, this question is a little special. Mark saw the woman some times. She was tall and her hair was dark. But Mark didn’t talk with her and didn’t know her first name. The test was over. Then one student asked the teacher, “Is the last question very important in this test?” “Yes,” said the teacher. “In our life, we meet many hard-working people. They are important. You should care about them. You should smile at them or say ‘hello’ to them.” Mark never forgot that question. He also learned that woman’s first name. It was Kathy.
【小题1】What test did Mark have in his first month in the middle school?

【小题2】 What did Mark know about his school’s cleaner?
A.She was a little special.
B.She was tall with dark hair.
C.She often talked with the students.
D.Mark knew her first name.
【小题3】What did Mark’s teacher think of the last question?
A.It was fun.B.It was interesting.
C.It was boring.D.It was important.
【小题4】What does the sentence “You should smile at them or say ‘hello’ to them.” mean?
【小题5】What’s the title(标题)of the passage?
A.A Special Question
B.A Hard-working Cleaner
C.A Good Teacher
D.A Clever Student


---This dress is a little             . Can you show me another one?

--- What about the orange one?

A.cheap            B.high              C.low              D.expensive



1. Ann is _____ (outgoing) than Sue.
2. He has _____ (much) hair than I.
3. Are you good at _____ (swim)?
4. Who is _____ (quiet), Lily or Kate?
5. This bag is a little _____ (heavy) than that one.
6. Paul plays sports _____ (often) than all his friends.
7. My brother is very _____ (tall).
8. My pen is _____ (good) than his.

