(三)录音中有一段对话.听对话两遍后.从每小题A.B.C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案.(录音播放前有40秒钟的读题时间) 11.What are they talking about? A.The exam. B.The weather. C.The summer holidays. 12.Where is Sarah going? A.Dalian. B.Hainan. C.North China. 13.How is Sarah going there? A.By plane. B.By ship. C.Not mentioned. 14.When is Sarah leaving? A.On Monday next week. B.On the fifth of this month. C.On the fifth of next month. 15.Who will Mike spend his holidays with? A.Sarah. B.No one. C.His parents. (注意:请同学们翻到第九页第Ⅱ卷第四大题.继续做听力填表题.) 查看更多



enroll / in'reul/ u. 注册)
Family name Williams
Given name (1)______________
Country (2)______________
(3)______________ 9 Crew Street
Age (4)______________
Telephone No. (5)______________




Full Name 1.______
Address 2.______ 337 , Kendall
State 3.______
Date of Birth 4.______, 1993
Tel. Number 5.______


1. What was Sarah doing when Larry came in?
A. Reading a book.
B. Doing her homework.
C. Reading a newspaper.
2. What did Larry ask Sarah to do?
A. Take her backpack away.
B. Take away her books.
C. Take away her newspaper.
3. Why did Sarah feel uncomfortable?
A. Larry read her newspaper.
B. Larry sat very close to her.
C. Larry and Sarah read together.
4. Why did Larry borrow Sarah's pen and paper?
A. Because he wanted to write a letter.
B. Because he wanted to write an article.
C. Because he wanted to copy an article.
5. Why couldn't Sarah stand?
A. Because Larry read her newspaper.
B. Because Larry kept talking to her while she reading.
C. Because Larry borrowed her things.


录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍,从每小题A.B.C 三个选项中选出正确答案。
1. Tom must _____ after class.
[     ]
A. play football
B. draw pictures
C. do math homework
2. Jim's favorite subject is _____.
[     ]
A. art
B. P.E.
C. math
3. Tom _____ the art club.
[     ]
A. wants to join
B. doesn't want to join
C. is in
4. Tom _____ math.
[     ]
A. likes
B. doesn't like
C. looks like
5. Tom's mother _____.
[     ]
A. wants Tom to join the art club
B. wants to join the math club
C. wants Tom to join the math club


1. When does Jim usually get up?
A. At five o'clock.
B. At five thirty.
C. At seven o'clock.
2. What does Jim usually do in the morning?
A. He takes a shower.
B. He does his homework.
C. He reads English.
3. What does Jim like?
A. Running.
B. Drawing
C. Singing.
4. What time does Jane usually go to bed?
A. At nine o'clock.
B. At nine thirty.
C. At ten o'clock.
5. What does Jane usually do in the evening?
A. She plays sports.
B. She watches TV.
C. She reads English.

