3.-What’s the W like in spring? -It’s very warm and windy. 查看更多




1.They aren’t having an English class, they are playing football on the playground at the m____.

2.Eating dumplings is one of the t________ on the Spring Festival in China.

3.--What’s the w ________ like in spring?  --It’s very warm and windy.

4.I like Zhao Wei very much.I’m looking f ________ to meeting her one day.

5.Wei fang is f ________ for kites.

6.The mountain is  ________(低)than Mount Tai.

7.They often cycle to see their  ________(妻子) .

8.That country is too  ________(危险).Don’t go to that country.

9.I have two ________(字典).

10.Don’t make ________ (更多的)mistakes like this.

