根据对话内容.从方框内选择适当的句子.并将其标号填入对话相应的空白处.使对话完整.合乎情景. A:Hello! This is Binzhou People’s Hospital. (91) B:This is Wang Lin, Doctor Li’s friend. (92) A:I’m sorry. He isn’t here right now. (93) B:I have a had headache. A:(94) B:No, I haven’t yet. A:(95) B:Yes, something is wrong with it. A:You’d better come to the hospital and I will look you over carefully. B:Ok, Thanks a lot! 查看更多




Tom:Hi! Alice,you look so sad.   1   

Alice:I failed the English exam.

Tom:    2     But you don't need to worry about it all the time.

Alice:I really don't know how to study English well.    3    

Tom:I think you'd better study with a group.

Alice:Oh,that's a good idea.    4    

Tom:Certainly.And we can learn from each other.

Alice:Sounds good.When can I join you?

Tom:     5    

Alice:That's very kind of you.

A.What should I do?

B.It's wonderful.

C.Could I join your group?

D.What's wrong?

E.I'm sorry to hear that.

F.How do you learn English?

G.Tomorrow if you like.



A:Hello! This is Binzhou People’s Hospital. (1)________________

B:This is Wang Lin, Doctor Li’s friend. (2)___________

A:I’m sorry. He isn’t here right now. (3)___________

B:I have a had headache.


B:No, I haven’t yet.


B:Yes, something is wrong with it.

A:You’d better come to the hospital and I will look you over carefully.

B:Ok, Thanks a lot!



(A girl student meets her English teacher Miss Wang at the railway station after the winter vacation begins. S= the girl student; W= Wang)

S: Hello, Miss Wang. How are you?

W: Fine, thank you.(66)         And how are you and your parents?

S: We are all fine, too. Thanks.

W: (67)              

S: I’m visiting our uncle with my parents. I’m going to buy three tickets to Shanghai.


W: I’m going to Jinan. My grandparents live there. I’m visiting them.

S: (69)                 

W: For two weeks.

S: We’re coming back in two weeks, too. (70)              

W: Thanks. The same to you!



A:Hello, Jane!  1  

B:Do you have any good ideas?

A:Well,   2  

B:Going camping? Let me see.  3  

A:On Saturday.

B:OK.We can also invite Peter and Kate.

A:That's a good idea.  4  

B:By the way,   5  

A:Some food and drinks, of course.

B:All right.I will go to the supermarket right now.


根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。选择中有两项为多余的选项。(每小题1; 满分5)
A. Maybe you’re right.
B. Is there anything wrong?
C. I’ll try to understand her.
D. She nags me about almost everything.
E. That’s a good idea.
F. But she doesn’t like it at all.
G. Could I use your telephone, please?
A: Hello, Xiao Hong!
B: Hello!
A: You look a little upset.  【小题1】 
B: Yes. It’s just my mom. She always nags(唠叨)me.
A: Really? What does your mother nag you about?
B:  【小题2】 “ Get up now... Everything must be in place... Don’t forget your piano lesson...”
A: Well, all the mothers like saying these words to their children.
B: Also, I’m fond of pop music. 【小题3】 We don’t have the same interest in many things.
A:  【小题4】 But I should say she nags you because she cares about you. You’re lucky to have such a good mother.
B: I agree with you.  【小题5】 .
A: That’s right. Understanding is important. If your mom knows that everything is fine, she will never nag.

