We watched a movie about living in the f . 74. 查看更多



Last night we watched a movie about __________ in the future.

        A. living           B. to live          C. live         D. lived



Last night we watched a movie about __________ in the future.

        A. living           B. to live          C. live         D. lived



Last night we watched a movie about __________ in the future.

        A. living           B. to live          C. live         D. lived



1. We watched a movie in a cinema last Sunday.(对划线部分提问)
    What ______ you ______ last Sunday?
2. Maria was first in the writing competition. (同义句)
    Maria ______ the first ______ in the writing competition.
3. They went back to school by subway. (同义句)
    They ______ the ______back to school.
4. The students had a good time on the school trip. (同义句)
    The students ______ a ______ school trip.
5. He went for a drive after lunch. (一般疑问句)
     ______ He ______ for a drive after lunch?
     ______, ______. (肯定回答)


T-Tina  M-Mary
M:     1     did you go on your trip?
T: I     2     to the mountains. How about you?
M: I visited the aquarium. What did you do there?
T: I went hiking and had a picnic.
M: That     3     fun.
T: What did you see there?
M: I     4     some sharks, seals and a big octopus. Then we watched a dolphin show.
T: What else did you do?
M: We watched a movie about sharks. It was interesting.
T: Oh, did you take any     5    
M: Yes, I'll show you some.
T: Great!

