2.How can I search the information on the Internet? Could you teach me? Could you teach me I search the information on the Internet? 查看更多



1. I don't know how I can get to the zoo. (改为简单句)
    I don't know______to the zoo.
2. The doctor asked her,” Are you feeling better?"  (改为宾语从句)
    The doctor asked her _                                    feeling better.
3. The Smiths said they would visit Beijing next year,______?
4. I think. He isn't a bad boy.  (合并为一句)
    I______ think that he______a bad boy.
5. How can I search the Internet?(合并为一句)
    Could you tell me ______ ______ ______search the Internet?
    Could you tell me ______ ______search the Internet?


词语填空 10%

make  health   I   while  open   well   from   surprise   fight   if   


Dear Ronny,
  Years ago you came to me for help. You said, "Grandpa, how could you do so   【小题1】  in your life? You're still active to your life, but I'm already tired of   【小题2】 for my life. How can I get the same thing that you've got?"
  I didn't know what to say to you. But when I know there are few days left for me, I tell   【小题3】  that I should give you an answer. So here is what I believe.
First, you should know that life is filled(充满) with   【小题4】 , and many of them are good ones. If you don't keep your eyes   【小题5】 , you'll miss a number of good surprises in your life.  
  When you meet challenges, don’t run away, just welcome them. They'll make you stronger,   【小题6】  and cleverer than you were before. When you do something wrong, you should be thankful for the things it gave you. And then, you should use this lesson to help you   【小题7】  your dream come true. It's also important to decide what you want. Then keep your dream , work hard for it, and be ready to receive it. It will come true more quickly.
  And always follow the rules, even the little ones. When you follow the rules, life will work well.   【小题8】  you think you can live without the rules, you're only fooling(愚弄) yourself.
  There will be more chances   【小题9】  you are growing up. So you have to be brave enough to move from a known place to an unknown place. Life isn't just like climbing one mountain. It is also a part of your life to move   【小题10】  one top to the next. If you rest for a too long time, you may fail at last. Leave the past in the past. Climb the next mountain and enjoy the fight in your life.
  The person that can win is the one who wants to win.
Love always,


The basketball final between Perfect School and Sunrise School has entered white-hot stage. There are only fifteen seconds left. Sunrise School is one point ahead. Mitchell, who is one of the best players of Perfect School, is now controlling the ball. The students are extremely excited. They cannot help standing up and shouting, “Go! Mitchell!”Other teammates also encourage Mitchell, “Take a shot, boy!”
Mitchell knows it will be the last shot. He hesitates (犹豫) and falls into careful thinking. He imagines that he shoots from the halfway line. The hall turns quiet. All eyes follow the track of the basketball. It jumps round the ring over and over again and finally rolls out of the court. The world turns noisy. Mitchell sees his coach lower his head, his teammates kneel down and his fans cry. It gives him so much pain. It is the last match for his coach before retiring. All the teammates practiced hard and hoped to give their coach a perfect ending. But now, the bubble bursts (破裂).
“Is that what you want?” Mitchell asks himself.“Certainly not. But how can I change the situation? Teamwork!”Mitchell returns to reality from his thinking. He does not have a shot by himself but surprisingly passes the basketball to his teammate, Jack, who is standing near the basket. Jack catches the basketball and quickly scores a two-point shot. There goes the whistle at the same time. Perfect School finally wins the game.
【小题1】When there are only fifteen seconds left, ______.

A.the students are surprised B.Mitchell’s coach is shouting
C.Sunrise team is one point aheadD.Perfect team is two points ahead
【小题2】How does Mitchell help his team win the game?
A.He tries to stand near the basket.B.He passes the basketball to Jack.
C.He shoots from the halfway line.D.He quickly scores a two-point shot.
【小题3】What can we learn from the story?
A.Teamwork helps win the game.B.Jack is the most popular player.
C.The coach will retire next year.D.The hall turns quiet after the final shot.


假如你是Xiao Dong,Xiao Liang给你来了一封信,请你根据信的内容写一封回信。信的开头已给出,请把信补充完整。
Dear Xiao Dong,
I like your programs very much. I’m writing to ask you something about American social customs. My American friends want me to join them in their dinner party. I’m very happy and have decided to go, but I’m a bit worried about it. The social customs in my country are different from there, so I’m afraid of making some mistakes.
Should I bring a present, such as sweets or flowers? Should I arrive on time or a bit late? At the dinner table, how can I use fork and knife? How can I let the family know that I’m thankful for their  kindness.
Xiao Liang


The basketball final between Perfect School and Sunrise School has entered white-hot stage. There are only fifteen seconds left. Sunrise School is one point ahead. Mitchell, who is one of the best players of Perfect School, is now controlling the ball. The students are extremely excited. They cannot help standing up and shouting, “Go! Mitchell!”Other teammates also encourage Mitchell, “Take a shot, boy!”

Mitchell knows it will be the last shot. He hesitates (犹豫) and falls into careful thinking. He imagines that he shoots from the halfway line. The hall turns quiet. All eyes follow the track of the basketball. It jumps round the ring over and over again and finally rolls out of the court. The world turns noisy. Mitchell sees his coach lower his head, his teammates kneel down and his fans cry. It gives him so much pain. It is the last match for his coach before retiring. All the teammates practiced hard and hoped to give their coach a perfect ending. But now, the bubble bursts (破裂).

“Is that what you want?” Mitchell asks himself.“Certainly not. But how can I change the situation? Teamwork!”Mitchell returns to reality from his thinking. He does not have a shot by himself but surprisingly passes the basketball to his teammate, Jack, who is standing near the basket. Jack catches the basketball and quickly scores a two-point shot. There goes the whistle at the same time. Perfect School finally wins the game.

1.When there are only fifteen seconds left, ______.

A.the students are surprised                B.Mitchell’s coach is shouting

C.Sunrise team is one point ahead            D.Perfect team is two points ahead

2.How does Mitchell help his team win the game?

A.He tries to stand near the basket.           B.He passes the basketball to Jack.

C.He shoots from the halfway line.            D.He quickly scores a two-point shot.

3.What can we learn from the story?

A.Teamwork helps win the game.             B.Jack is the most popular player.

C.The coach will retire next year.             D.The hall turns quiet after the final shot.


