20.Mr.Smith isn’t at work.He is .(史密斯先生没有工作.他在休假) 查看更多



1. He usually _____ (get) up early, but he _____ (get) up very late this morning.
2. Tom says he _____ (leave) for Beijing next week if it _____ (not rain).
3. I was doing my homework when the light _____ (go) out.
4. Mr. Smith isn’t in at the moment. He _____ (leave) a moment ago.
5. The students all _____ (stop) talking when the teacher _____ (come) in.
6. He _____ (lose) his pen when he _____ (take) a walk in the park.
7. _____ you _____ (see) a horse with one eye?
8. Li Ping _____ (be) to Taiwan twice.
9. She _____ (lend) them some money several weeks ago. But they _____
(not give) it back.
10. How often _____ Lucy _____ (help) Granny Wang to clean the house?


Mr. Smith isn’t here. He ______ New York. I hear he ______ back in two days.

A.has gone to ; comesB.has gone to ; will be
C.has been to ; comes D.has been to ; will be


After she did a lot of shopping , Mrs. Smith came out of the shop and started to walk to the bus stop. Her bag was so       that she had to rest for a few minutes. She stopped        a new and bright car. It was just at the side of the road. As she stood there, she saw a policeman     _  towards her. "Excuse me, madam," said the policeman.

" Can you read ___          sign over there?"

“Yes, I can,” said Mrs. Smith.  " It      'No Parking'.  

"Right.  Madam.  So __ __ have you parked your car here? I shall have to give you a parking ticket. "

   "But this isn't my car," said Mrs. Smith.

"Isn't it?" said the policeman, and his face turned  red. "I'm very sorry. ___I shall have to put a ticket on the front of the car. " Before he was not able to finish writingthe ticket,       woman had arrived. She kissed the policeman and said, "Hello, dear. I knew I could find you here at this time of' the day. Happy birthday! I         you abirthday present. "

    "Thank you, dear, But what is it? " asked the policeman. “Here it is," His wife pointed at the red car. “A big surprise,?? ___ it?” she continued. “Yes. But you mustn’t  leave it on this road for very long. There's a ‘No Parking' sign over there. "the policeman sighed.

1.A. heavier??????????? B. the heaviest???????? C. heavier and heavier????? D. heavy

2.A. in???????????????? B. by??????????????? C. to???????????????????? D. under

3.A. coming???????????? B. come???????????? C. comes???????????????? D. came

4.A. this??????????????? B. an??????????????? C. that????????????????? D. 不填

5.A. was??????????????? B. said?????????????? C. is??????????????????? D. says

6.A. when?????????????? B. why?????????????? C. how????????????????? D. who\

7.A. Still????? ????????? B. Yet??????????????? C. And????????????????? D. While

8.A. a????????????????? B. other????????????? C. the other????????????? D. another

9.A. buy??????????????? B. will buy??????????? C. have bought????????? D. was buying

10.A. is????? ??????????? B. isn’t???????????? C. was????????????????? D. wasn’t



  Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown work in the same office .One day Mr. Jones says to Mr. Brown, “I will have a small party at our house on Monday evening. Would you and your wife like to come ?”
Mr. Brown says, “Thank you very much. I’d love to, but let me ask my wife first. ”
So Mr. Brown goes to the other room and telephones his wife. Then he comes back and looks very worried.
  “What’s the matter?” asks Mr. Jones. “Is you wife there at home ?”
“No,” answers Mr. Brown. “She isn’t there . My small son answers the telephone . I say to him , ”“Is your mother there , David ? ” and he answers “No , she isn’t in the house ” “Where is she ? ” I ask , “She is somewhere outside(在外面) ” “What’s she doing ? ” “She is looking for me .”
【小题1】There is a party at Mr. Jones’s house on Monday evening .
【小题2】Mr. Jones asks Mr. Brown and his wife to go to the party.
【小题3】The telephone is in Mr. Brown’s office.
【小题4】Mr. Brown speaks to Mrs. Brown on the telephone.
【小题5】Mrs. Brown is looking for her son.


—Is that Mr. Wang speaking?  
—Sorry. He isn’t at home. He ________ abroad for a trip.
A.has gone toB.has been toC.has goneD.has been

