9.Western are different from those of China. 查看更多



1. He likes reading. And he s________ much money on books last year.
2. Last night several famous film stars had supper in a Chinese r________.
3. Trains run on the r________.
4. I am going to Shanghai by plane and my friend will meet me at the a________.
5. China is the third country to send a person into s________.
6. Sorry, Miss Li. I can't write it________ (认真) again.
7. Tony lives ________ (远) from school in his class.
8. Lying on the beach is really ________ (放松).
9. Western ________ (文化) are different from those of China.
10. It was difficult to build a bridge ________ (在…之上) the wide river at that time.


1. It is the ____ (风俗) for the Chinese to take off their shoes when they get into a hall.
2. I'm a foreigner, so I have some _____ (困难) with Chinese culture.
3. The boys are playing now. How _____ (吵闹的) they are!
4. We should know about the differences between Eastern and Western _____ (文化).
5. The tree has been _____ (死) for about one year, it is impossible to have new leaves.
6. Your words are _____ (有帮助的) to me. Thanks!
7. It is a _____ (传统) that women get married in long white dresses.
8. You always have many new ideas. I think you will have a new _____ (设计).
9. The English Channel _____ (分开) England from France.
10. She may ____ (表达) your thought.


Movies are great things. They have a long time. They tell us many things. There are funny movies, scary movies and also exciting movies. Different people like different kinds of movies. Comedies are welcomed by the people of all ages. Usually old people also like Beijing Operas and documentaries. Young people, especially(尤其) boys like action movies and thrillers. They also like western movies. In western movies they learn something about the life of the cowboys(牛仔) in western countries, like the USA. Go to movies in the cinema or stay at home to watch them on TV. You can learn a lot.
【小题1】People, old and young, like _________.

A.documentariesB.comediesC.Beijing OperaD.romances
【小题2】______ like thrillers best.
A.GirlsB.BoysC.Old peopleD.All the children
【小题3】“Western” means(意思是)___.
【小题4】 Western movies are about the life of the _________ boys.
【小题5】. People ______ if they want to see movies.
A.watch them on TVB.go to the cinemas
C.go to the concertD.A and B


【小题1】She is an excellent ____________ (act) respected by people forever.
【小题2】Lots of Western people are interested in ____________ (Asia) culture.
【小题3】They are different in _____________ (appear).
【小题4】The event marked the _____________ (begin) of her successful career.
【小题5】Our sports meeting will be held in the ________­­____ (come) week.
【小题6】Steven Spielbergwas _______ (honour) with an Oscar for Best Director in 1998 again.
【小题7】Audrey Hepburn’s _______________ (achieve) went beyond the film industry.


Today, not all people over 70 think they are old. People stay younger for longer. Here are three women who are over 70 and are still strong. What do they do, and how long have they done it?

79-year-old Omara from Cuba(古巴) is one of the most popular jazz singers in the world.  She has been singing and dancing in clubs for 60 years. Her latest CD, Gracias, came out in 2009 and is enjoyed by people of different ages.

Dodo was born on September 1, 1919. She has been an outstanding American tennis player for more than 70 years, from a young girl into her 90s. Now she plays in the matches for people over 75 and has won over 320 medals.

 American lady Carmen, who was born in 1931, has been a model since she was 13. Her job started when a photographer saw her on a bus and asked to take her photo. Today she still shows up on world-class fashion shows, shining brightly together with young girls who are in their 20s.

1.Omara, Dodo and Carmen are all_________.

A. from America                                         B. young and famous       

C. old but still working                  D. working with young girls

2.Omara has been singing and dancing in clubs for_________ years.

A. 60                       B. 70                       C. 75                      D. 90

3.Dodo has won over 320 medals in_________.

A. singing contests                                        B. photo contests

C. dancing contests                                      D. tennis matches

4.Carmen became a_________ at the age of 13.

A. singer         B. model         C. tennis player    D. photographer

5.What does the reading above tell us?

A. These days young people are not as hard-working as the old.

B. Women in Western countries are not supposed to retire early.

C. Many people stay younger for longer because they keep on working.

D. The three ladies are still working because they want to make more money.


