5.We have friends . 查看更多



1. While she was ________ (正在通电话), Davy met another dog outside the station.
2. I have a sister, and we ________ (相处得好).
3. I finished all my ________ (期末考试) last week.
4. You'll ________ (谋生) doing something you love.
5. We have friends ________ (遍及全世界).


What does a UFO look like? Do you believe there are aliens outside the earth? Maybe nobody can tell us exactly, but some of us believe that we humans are not alone in this world. We have friends living outside the earth. And a lot of people in the world think they really have seen a UFO flying in the sky. Now many scientists are trying to understand the origin of the UFO sightings. Scientists even try to draw pictures about aliens and aliens’ life according to their imagination.        
Because we don’t really know about it, we call it UFO or Unidentified Flying Object. Many of us are curious(好奇的) about it and interested in it very much.
While scientists have no same ideas about whether there is an alien or not, it seems that China has been home to some UFO sightings recently.
On August 20th,2011, a UFO was seen at 21:00 by the pilot on the plane which took off from Pudong International Airport to Changchun. At almost the same time, many astrophiles(天文爱好者)took pictures of it. Later, reports from some cities said that the UFO was seen. The pilot said the UFO was small at first, then expanded(扩大),moved north, and disappeared(消失)several minutes later. However, he couldn’t exactly make sure about what he had seen.
【小题1】What do scientists know about the aliens according to this passage?
A.Scientists know about the aliens’ life well.
B.Some scientists try to imagine aliens’ life.
C.Scientists have the same idea about the UFO.
D.Many scientists have already understood the origin of the UFO sightings.
【小题2】What happened on August 20th,2011?
A.A UFO took off from Pudong International Airport.
B.A pilot took pictures of the UFO.
C.Many astrophiles saw the UFO.
D.The UFO was small when it moved north.
【小题3】Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to this passage?
A.UFO is short for Unidentified Flying Object.
B.Some people from some cities said that they saw the UFO on August 20th,2011.
C.The pilot could exactly make sure what he had seen.
D.Many of us are interested in the UFO.


I am an English girl. My name is Mary. I’m twelve. My dad and mom are English teachers. I have a sister. Her name is Ann and she is twelve years old, too. We are in China now. Ann and I study(学习) in Beijing No. 4 Junior High School. We are in the same grade, but in different classes. Ann has a cat. It looks nice. It has a small mouth and two small ears. It is white. We have friends here. They’re good.
【小题1】Mary is from the U.S.A.
【小题2】Ann is in Beijing No. 4 Junior High School.
【小题3】Ann and Mary have good friends in China.
【小题4】Ann has a black cat.
【小题5】They are in the same class.



It is very important to have good friends. 1)拥有许多朋友的一种生活是有趣且丰富多彩的。A life without a friend is a life without a sun.2)Having good       can       us in lots of different ways. People with a lot of friends usually feel happier than people with no friends. Everything we do will be more fun if we have friends with us to share our adventures(经历). When we are feeling sad or worried, our friends will give us advice and help us out of difficulties.

We should not only have good friends but also be good friends. We need our friends as much as they need us. We should be willing to help friends when they need help.

1. 回答下面问题

  What will friends do when we are feeling sad or worried?


2. 在2)句的空白处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:                


3. 将1)句译成英语:____________________________________________________

4. 写出文中与下列句子意思相近的句子:

   If friends need our help, we should be glad to help them.


5. 找出文中最能表达该短文主题的句子:                                 





It is very important to have good friends. 1)拥有许多朋友的一种生活是有趣且丰富多彩的。A life without a friend is a life without a sun.2)Having good       can       us in lots of different ways. People with a lot of friends usually feel happier than people with no friends. Everything we do will be more fun if we have friends with us to share our adventures(经历). When we are feeling sad or worried, our friends will give us advice and help us out of difficulties.

We should not only have good friends but also be good friends. We need our friends as much as they need us. We should be willing to help friends when they need help.

1. 回答下面问题

  What will friends do when we are feeling sad or worried?


2. 在2)句的空白处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:                


3. 将1)句译成英语:____________________________________________________

4. 写出文中与下列句子意思相近的句子:

   If friends need our help, we should be glad to help them.


5. 找出文中最能表达该短文主题的句子:                                 



