27.-Hello! May I speak to Michael? - Who is this? A.This is Michael speaking. B.Anything wrong? C.No.you can't speak. D.Are you Michael? 查看更多




A.I am making a model robot.

B.Who are you?

C.Yes,I do.

D.What can robots do then?

E.Do you think that robots can do better than humans?

F.Who is this?

A:Hello! May I speak to Maria,please?

B:This is Maria speaking.__1__

A:This is Michael Maria,could you practice the violin with me?

B:Sorry,I can't.__2__.

A:Do you like robots?

B:__3__ It's one of the most important inventions of the 20th century.

A:They are great.__4__

B:They can do many things.They may take the place of humans in some work situations.

A:1hat sounds good.__5__

B:Yes,I think so.

A:Oh,I see.

