22.There are only new words in the passage.but I know of them. A.some,all B.a few,none C.lots of,a few 查看更多



There are only ________ new words in the passage,but I know ________ of them.

A.some;all            B.a few;none          C.lots of;a few


When Wayne Mix was a child in the 1930s,his family sent him to a school for the deaf and blind.He learned American Sign Language.With American Sign Language,deaf people use their hands to communicate.They can spell words with their fingers,or they can use signs for whole words.Wayne communicated with teachers and friends in sign language.He graduated at the age of 20.In those days,people who were deaf did not get jobs and were not part of the community(社区),so Wayne went back to the family farm.His family did not know sign language,so Wayne communicated a little by making simple motions(手势)with his hands.He was never able to tell them his thoughts and feelings.

Wayne's father died in 1971.There was no place for Wayne to live,so they sent him to Mountain Meadows nursing home.He was only 51 and much younger and healthier than the other people in the nursing home,but he was treated like the 80 and 90-year-old people because he did not hear or speak.No one knew that Wayne was able to use sign language.

Twenty-nine years passed slowly and silently for Wayne.Then one day he saw a visitor using sign language with her deaf mother during a visit to the nursing home.He walked up to them and signed,“I’m Wayne Mix.”

Suddenly everything changed for Wayne.He found many people who knew sign language.These people communicated through sign language,e-mail,television with subtitles and a special telephone that prints(打印)the words that are spoken.It was a whole new world for Wayne.Now he could tell people his feelings,his needs,and his thoughts.

The people in Wayne's town were sad about the thousands of days in Wayne's life when no one knew that he could communicate.They wanted to help Wayne to do some of the things he always wanted to do.The workers at the nursing home found out that as a young man he loved to swim,and he loved to see pictures of dolphins swimming.When he started signing again,they asked him where he wanted to go.“Water.” Wayne signed.

Mountain Meadows workers had an idea.“Let’s send Wayne to Sea World in San Diego.” They told other people in town about their idea.Many people in Wayne's town and in other states gave money to help Wayne make the trip.The people at Sea World were very kind to Wayne.They let him swim with the dolphins and help them feed all the sea animals.Newspapers wrote about Wayne,so many people gave money to buy him a special TV and a telephone set.These were things Wayne never knew about before.

1.How did Wayne Mix communicate with his teachers in the school?

A.In American Sign Language.            B.By drawing pictures.

C.By spelling words on their hands.               D.By making simple motions.

2.Why did Wayne Mix go to live in the nursing home?

A.Because his family moved to another town.

B.Because nobody in his family knew the sign language.

C.Because his family was not able to provide him a room to live in.

D.Because he like to talk with the old people living in the nursing home.

3.How did Wayne’s life change after he met a visitor using sign language in the nursing home?

A.He told the visitor who he was.

B.His life stayed the same as before.

C.He could send e-mails and make telephones to his new friends.

D.He could “talk” with people,telling them his needs and feelings.

4.Why did people feel sad after Wayne began to communicate with others again?

A.Because he was sent to the nursing home at a young age.

B.Because he failed to communicate with his family for such a long time.

C.Because he was not able to communicate with others while he could.

D.Because they were not sure how to look after Wayne later on.

5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Wayne tried to find a job after he graduated from the school but failed.

B.Many people gave money to buy Wayne a special TV and a telephone set.

C.The nursing home workers sent Wayne to a Sea World to swim.

D.Wayne Mix lived in silence all his life though many people helped him.



  One morning, a blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet.He held a sign which said, “I am blind.Please help me.”

  There were only a few coins(硬币)in the hat.A man was walking by.He took out a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat.He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words on it.He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by could see the new words.

  Soon the hat began to fill up.A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy.That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were.The boy recognized his footsteps and ask, “Are you the one who changed my sign in the morning? What did you write? ”

  The man said, “I only wrote the truth.I said what you said, but in a different way.”

  What he had written was, “Today is a beautiful day, but I can't see it.”

  Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?

  Of course both signs told people the boy was blind.But the first sign simply told people to help by putting some money in the hat.The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day, but the boy could not enjoy it because he was blind.

  The first sign simply said the boy was blind, while the second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind.

  There are at least two lessons we can learn from this simple story.

  The first is:Treasure(珍惜)what you have.Someone else has less.Try your best to help those who need your help.

  The second is: Be creative.Think differently.There is always a better way.


From the passage we know that ________.

[  ]


the boy is the man's son.


the man is one of his neighbors.


the boy is blind and needs help.


the boy works for the man.


On the sign what the man wrote was, “ ________.”

[  ]


Treasure what we have already had.


Today is a beautiful day, but I can't see it.


We are so lucky that we are not blind.


Try your best to help those who need your help.


According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]


The hat began to fill up after the man wrote some words on the sign.


The man took away all the few coins from the hat.


The boy wanted to get enough money to go to school.


Nobody wanted to give any coins to the blind boy.


The word“recognized”here in Chinese means ________.

[  ]










“ ________ ”is the best title for this story.

[  ]


Be careful.


Be creative.There is always a better way!


Be kind to the blind!


Do not always get, but offer!

