35.Beethoven was one of in the world. A.more famous musicians B.the most famous musicians C.most famous musicians D.most famous musician 查看更多



1. The pen isn't mine, but I can't find the_          (own).
2. I can't see the words _       _ (clear)  on the blackboard.
3. Beethoven was one of the most famous             (music) in the world.
4. The boys make much _       _ (noise) sound as usual.
5. The famous _       _ (history) gave us a report about Chinese History.


    Beethoven was one of the greatest musicians in the world.  He was born in 1770 and   1    in 1827.
    Beethoven's father was a singer.    2   the boy was only four, his father decided to make him  a    3  .  
So Beethoven had to play hour after hour on different musical instruments.  He learned so fast that he
could go around   4  give concerts when he was only 11.  When he was 17, he won high praise from
Mozart,a great   5 .
    A few years later Beethoven went to Vienna to   6  under Haydn,  another .great musician. Soon he
could write a lot of   7   himself. But he was often poor and ill during his life.  After one illness, he
suddenly found    8    deaf. At that time he was only 31.  But this did not    9   Beethoven.  The surprising
thing is that he wrote some of his    10  , his most beautiful pieces such as Destiny, after he became deaf.
(     )1. A.  worked
(     )2. A. When    
(     )3. A. worker  
(     )4. A. while  
(     )5. A. singer  
(     )6. A. live    
(     )7. A. music  
(     )8. A. itself  
(     )9. A. make    
(     )10. A better  
B. taught  
B. Then    
B. musician
B. and      
B. painter  
B. study    
B. novels  
B. himself  
B. work    
B. good    
C. died      
C. Before    
C. teacher  
C. but      
C. musician  
C. listen to
C. books    
C. he        
C. stop      
C. well      
D. lived  
D. After  
D. dancer  
D. or      
D. traveler
D. watch  
D. articles
D. it      
D. help    
D. Best    


 Beethoven was one of __________European composers.

    A. great    B. greater    C. greatest      D. the greatest


Beethoven (贝多芬) was born in a small city near the Rhine in Germany. His father always drank and his mother was a maid (女仆). They lived a poor life.

Beethoven was a talented (有天赋的) child in music. People at that time thought he was as clever as Mozart. His father wanted to make money from his talent, so he told him to practice and play all the time. If he didn’t do that, his father would be angry with him and beat him.

Beethoven was very short and ugly. He couldn’t hear well from the age of 22 and later he heard nothing, but all these unhappy things didn’t make him dislike music. He began to write sonatas (奏鸣曲) at 12, and later he became a great musician.

His life was so short that he didn’t leave many works. But people think he was one of the best musicians in the world.


1.Beethoven was from a        in a small city near the Rhine in Germany.

A.educational family                       B.teacher’s family

C.rich family                             D.poor family

2.Beethoven’s father told him to practice and play all the time because his father wanted to make   .

A.him be a great musician

B.him not drink too much like him

C.himself rich

D.him beat Mozart in music

3.What did people think of Beethoven at that time ?

A.He wasn’t a rich boy.

B.He did as well as Mozart in music.

C.He didn’t love his parents.

D.He would be a great singer.

4.He was ugly and deaf ,       .

A.that often made him dislike music

B.but all these things didn’t make him dislike music

C.that made him stressed out

D.but he didn’t regard all these things as challenges

5.Which of the following is NOT true ?

A.His father would be angry with him and beat him unless he practiced and played all the time.

B.His father never stopped drinking wine.

C.He left so many works that people think he was one of the best musicians in the world.

D.After writing sonatas at 12, he became a great musician.



Beethoven (贝多芬) was born in a small city near the Rhine in Germany. His father always drank and his mother was a maid (女仆). They lived a poor life.
Beethoven was a talented (有天赋的) child in music. People at that time thought he was as clever as Mozart. His father wanted to make money from his talent, so he told him to practice and play all the time. If he didn’t do that, his father would be angry with him and beat him.
Beethoven was very short and ugly. He couldn’t hear well from the age of 22 and later he heard nothing, but all these unhappy things didn’t make him dislike music. He began to write sonatas (奏鸣曲) at 12, and later he became a great musician.
His life was so short that he didn’t leave many works. But people think he was one of the best musicians in the world.
【小题1】Beethoven was from a        in a small city near the Rhine in Germany.

A.educational familyB.teacher’s family
C.rich familyD.poor family
【小题2】Beethoven’s father told him to practice and play all the time because his father wanted to make   .
A.him be a great musician
B.him not drink too much like him
C.himself rich
D.him beat Mozart in music
【小题3】What did people think of Beethoven at that time ?
A.He wasn’t a rich boy.
B.He did as well as Mozart in music.
C.He didn’t love his parents.
D.He would be a great singer.
【小题4】He was ugly and deaf ,       .
A.that often made him dislike music
B.but all these things didn’t make him dislike music
C.that made him stressed out
D.but he didn’t regard all these things as challenges
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true ?
A.His father would be angry with him and beat him unless he practiced and played all the time.
B.His father never stopped drinking wine.
C.He left so many works that people think he was one of the best musicians in the world.
D.After writing sonatas at 12, he became a great musician.

