2.Please take some photos with your c . 查看更多



1. I like swimming in the swimming p_______.
2. Please take some photos with your c_______.
3. He spent his v_______ with his grandparents last summer.
4. Does it s_______ in winter in Weihai?
5. Mr Wang is medium h_______.
6. —I am very h_______ —You should eat some noodles.
7. Drinking milk every day is good for our h_______.
8.  My favorite m_______ is Zhou Jielun.
9. She goes to school on f_______ every day.
10. She is tired, she should have a good r_______.


Did you know Chinese are the second worst tourists in the world? According to a US survey, it’s sadly true. Why don’t some countries like Chinese tourists? Let’s take a look.

Nowadays, (81)     However, their bad manners mean they are often not so welcome when they arrive. Yuan Jialiang is a tour guide from Guangzhou. He was embarrassed when he guided a group to Europe.(82)    Some local people looked around to find where the sound came from. Some Chinese tourists have many other bad habits. They throw things everywhere and jump queues(插队).(83)     Other tourists like taking shoes off when taking a plane.

(84)     But don’t worry. It’s easy to be a good tourist. Please read the following. When you have dinner with foreigners, it’s better to eat quietly. Don’t speak loudly with food in your mouth. At a buffet(自助餐)restaurant, you’d better not take too much food. Wasting food is not a good idea.(85)     When using the escalator(自动扶梯),it is better to stand on one side of it.

A.At the airport, the tourists talked loudly.

B.You’d better not take photos when you are in the place with a ‘‘no photo’’ sign.

C.Chinese people love to travel to foreign countries.

D.Chinese people love to buy expensive things.

E.All these give Chinese tourists a bad name in foreign countries.

F.Some of them cross the road when the traffic lights are still red.

G.You should shake hands when you meet foreigners.


Do you like travelling? Today, I’ll give you some      about travelling. You should have a good night’s sleep        you travel. If you don’t, you will feel tired       the way. You should take some      with you. It may be helpful when you feel sick. You should have a meal before travelling. If you         eat anything, you’ll feel hungry. And the food on the train is much more         .You should listen to the weather report earlier, so you can       a good plan for your travel. You’d better take a(n)       with you. It can keep off the sun and the rain. You should        all your right clothes when you prepare your luggage(行李). If you’re going from a hot place to a cold place, you have to       some warm clothes. You should drink enough water. Don’t wait to be     . You’d better take some water       you can have a drink when you want to drink. You should write down all the travel      : departure(出发) and arrival time, bus or train number, your parents’ names , address and phone number and so on. You should take a        . You can take lots of photos when you see beautiful scenery. When you come back, you can show the pictures to your friends. Above all,      yourself when you are travelling. But please look after yourself and your things carefully.
A.wearB.pack(打包)C.put onD.have on
A.in order toB.so thatC.thoughD.if


 Do you like traveling? Today, I’ll give you some   41  about traveling.

   You should have a good night’s sleep before you travel. If you don’t, you will feel tired on the way.

   You should take some   42   with you. It may be helpful when you feel sick.

   You should eat a meal before traveling. If you don’t eat anything, you will feel hungry. And the food on the train is much more   43  .

You should listen to the weather report earlier, so you can  44  a good plan for your travel. You’d better take a(n)  45  with you. It can keep off the sun and the rain.

You should wear your right clothes. When you’re going from a hot place to a cold place, you have to  46  some warm clothes.

You should drink enough water. Don’t wait to be 47 . You’d better take some water so that you can have a drink when you want to drink any time.

You should write down all the travel  48  : departure(出发) and arrival time, bus or train number, your parents’ names, address and phone number and so on.

You should take a 49  . You can take lots of photos when you see beautiful scenery. When you come back, you can show the pictures to your friends.

Above all(最重要的是),  50   yourself when you are traveling. But please look after yourself and you things carefully.

(   ) 41. A. idea         B. advice      C. time         D. thing

(   ) 42. A. drink        B. food        C. medicine     D. vegetable

(   ) 43. A. expensive    B. delicious     C. different     D. worse

(   ) 44.A. find         B. get          C. make        D. made

(   ) 45.A. umbrella     B. raincoat      C. bag          D. map

(   ) 46.A. bring        B. take         C. fetch         D. carry

(   ) 47.A. happy        B. thirsty       C. hungry       D. angry

(   ) 48 .A. information   B. place        C. way         D. roads

(   ) 49.A. radio         B. computer     C. camera      D. phone

(   ) 50.A. enjoy         B. help         C. forget       D. play



A. What's your plan for the future?
B. How will you keep in touch with them?
C. I feel excited and sad.
D. May I ask you some questions?
E. What else would you like to say to your teachers and classmates?
A. Hello, Long Yulin. I know you're one of the best graduates. 1_____.
B. Yes, please.
A. How do you feel now?
B. 2_____.
A. What are you going to do before leaving school?
B. I'm going to take some photos with my teachers and classmates, give gifts
     to my teachers and write best wishes to my classmates
A. Will you miss your teachers and classmates?
B. Sure, and I'll remember the past three years of my school life forever.
A. 3_____.
B. By sending e-mails, making telephone calls or writing letters.
A. When are you going to have a get-together with your classmates?
B. We'll be back for our school's 20th anniversary ceremony.
A. 4_____.
B. I'm going to be a scientist, so I'll keep on working hard at my lessons to make
    my dream come true.
A. 5_____.
B. First, I want to say "Thanks" to my teachers for teaching me so well. Second,
    I wish my teachers and classmates health, happiness and good luck. At last, I hope
    our school will continue to be the top in Tongren.

