听短文填空.根据你所听到的短文内容和表格中的提示.将所听到的主要信息填入表格中相应的位置上.短文读2遍. Name Doing things Some boys 1. . Some girls Playing basketball. 2. Running. Marry and Lily 3. under the tree. 4. . Doing homework. Jim and Tom 5. . 查看更多



1. Here are some _____ how to help people when a fire happens.
2. If there is a fire, everyone should _____ the escape plan to get out.  
3. People do fire practice because they need to teach their children about fire_____.
4. Don't open a hot door! The fire can grow more _____ if you open the door.
5. Stay close to the floor! Smoke can be more _____ than fire.
6. Stop, drop, roll are the right steps you should take when your hair or _____ catch fire.
7. There are quite a few possible causes for fires. A wise family is always _____ for a fire.


Exercise for dog Take him 1._________, play 2._________ him.
Cleaning for dog  Clean his bed, 3._________ his bowl.
Food for dog Give him 4._________ and 5._________ him.


The day we went to visit Mary It was 1.                       .
What was the matter with Mary? She got a bad cold 2.                        a fever.
How long will she stay in hospital? For 3.                       days.
What should we do to make her happy again? We will have an English 4.                       .


Time Activity
Sunday Go 1______ in the countryside.
Monday Go to Amy's room for dinner.
Tuesday Play 2______ with my  classmates.
Wednesday Have a violin class.
Thursday and Friday Study for a 3______ test.
Saturday Do my 4 ______.


                                 Welcome to our restaurant
There are a lot of things for you to 1_________ and drink.
Food Fish, chicken, rice, eggs and 2_________
Drink Apple juice, orange juice, 3_________ and something else.
Please come in. Our telephone number is 4_________

