-Your telephone number again? I didn't quite it. -5872398. A. notice B. catch C. know D. write 查看更多



This is Fangfang. She is from China. Her(她的) telephone number is (010)8257-6644. She is in Beijing No.1 High School(北京一中). She is a good student. Miss Gao is her English teacher.


1.Fangfang is from ________.

 A. the U.S.A.                     B. China                              C. Cuba

2. She is in________ High School.

A.No. One           B. No. Two                                   C. No. Three

3.Fangfang is a ________.

A. teacher                                               B. mother                             C. student

4.Miss Gao is a(an) _________ teacher.

A.Chinese                                     B. English                              C. Canada

5.Fangfang's  telephone number is _________.

6.—What’s y_________ name?   —My name is David.

7.—Are you f________ Fuzhou?  —No, we aren’t.

8.—What’s your telephone n________?  —It’s (010)8659-7981.

9.—E__________ me, are you Frank?  —Yes, I am.



【小题1】Mr. Green has a ___________________(女儿).
【小题2】I have two _________________(词典).
【小题3】How much are the ___________(短裤)?
【小题4】--What’s your telephone n____________.--It’s 3180329.
【小题5】There are some ________(植物) in the room.
【小题6】She is my ________(舅母),my uncle’s wife.
【小题7】--Are these your p_________?
-- Yes, they are my father and mother.
【小题8】Your key is in the lost and _________ (找回的) case
【小题9】F________________ is the second month in a year.
【小题10】Today is Tina’s ______________(十二) birthday party.
【小题11】What’s Meimei’s favorite ___________(科目)?
【小题12】My _________(科学)teacher is Mr. Wang.
【小题13】Can you bring some _________(照片) to school?
【小题14】How old is she? She is __________(二十).
【小题15】The _______(手表) are on the table.


--- _________is your telephone number?

---It’s 86222216.

A.How much         B.How many         C.What             D.How



A: Hello, Xiao Hong!
A. Maybe you’re right.
B. Is there anything wrong?
C. I’ll try to understand her.
D. She nags me about almost everything.
E. That’s a good idea.
F. But she doesn’t like it at all.
G. Could I use your telephone, please?
B: Hello!
A: You look a little upset.   76   .
B: Yes. It’s just my mom. She always nags(唠叨)me.
A: Really? What does your mother nag you about?
B:  77  “ Get up now... Everything must be in place... Don’t forget your piano lesson...”
A: Well, all the mothers like saying these words to their children.
B: Also, I’m fond of pop music.  78 We don’t have the same interest in many things.
A:  79  But I should say she nags you because she cares about you. You’re lucky to have such a good mother.
B: I agree with you.   80  .
A: That’s right. Understanding is important. If your mom knows that everything is fine, she will never nag.
【小题1】_______ 【小题2】_______ 【小题3】_______ 【小题4】_______【小题5】_______



M: Hello, Peter’s Dumpling House! Can I help you?

W:      1.     

M: Sure. What kind of dumplings would you like?

W:     2.    

M: We have beef, mutton, cabbage…

W: Umm…      3.    

M: OK.      4.    

W: One small orange juice.

M: OK. What’s your address?

W:     5.    

M: And your telephone number?

W: It’s 218-2188.

M: 218-2188. OK. That’ll be 25 yuan.

W: Thank you very much.





