23.I am going to get my hair this afternoon. A.cut B.to cut C.cutting D.be 查看更多



1. My mother began_____ (light) the fire to cook the breakfast.
2. Have you_____ (feed) the animals on the farm?
3. I am going to get my computer_____(repair) the day after tomorrow.
4. My uncle has_____(go) to Beijing and he will be back in two days,
5. Mr. Smith has to raise his voice so as to make himself_____ (hear) by all of us.


A: We have to meet our friends at 8:30 in the forest, don't we?
B:Yes, that's right.
A: Do you know 1._     __there?
B: Yes, I have got a map.  It will 2.        _us about half an hour to get there by bus.
A: What do you know about it?
B: It's an area 3._    __lots of different plants.
A: What kind of plants will we see there?
B:  I am not sure:  I know there are many 4.____   flowers there and I am going to take my camera with
A: That's a good idea.  5._    __?
B: Well, if it is wet,I will wear my strong shoes and take my raincoat with me.



weekend,         as soon as,         invited,         has bought,         lighter

1. Don't worry. I'll call you _______ I get the news.
2. Last Sunday I _______ some friends to my home for dinner.
3. My uncle _______ a house with a beautiful garden in front of it.
4. Everything is _______ on the moon than on the earth.
5. — What are you going to do this _______? 
    — I am going to visit my grandparents.


     This is my New Year's resolution.  First I'm going to ___1___ good
grades,  for work must come ___2___,   then I'm  going to learn to  play 
___3___ piano,  I love music.  In the morning,  I'm going to get a lot of
___4___, I want to be healthier. And I ___5___ want to make a football
team. We want ___6___ the first prize. If I have time, I am going to get a
__7____ job. Money is important and useful.
(     )1. A. get      
(     )2. A. last      
(     )3. A. /        
(     )4. A. exercise  
(     )5. A. too      
(     )6. A. win      
(     )7. A. part time
B. take        
B. one          
B. an          
B. exercises    
B. both        
B. to win      
B. part times  
C. do          
C. first        
C. a            
C. practices    
C. either      
C. beat        
C. part time's
D. catch          
D. once          
D. the            
D. game          
D. also          
D. to beat        
D. part-time    


                                                          A Better Place 
     The Zhao family live in a very nice district. They want to have the best of everything. They live next to
the Wu family and watch them all the time. The Zhao family wants their place to be better than the Wu's.
They have a bigger television, bigger refrigerator and even bigger shoes. Listen to them talking.
     "Little Wu has a new bicycle for getting high marks. It goes faster than yours. Tomorrow I will buy
you a better bicycle."
     "Mr. Wu has a large fish. I'm going to the market to buy a bigger fish."
     "Mrs. Wu has a new chair. I am going to get a bigger, stronger, prettier one. My place is going to be
better than hers."
     A friend asks Mrs. Wu,"Do you think the Zhao family have a better home than you?"
     Mrs. Wu says, "The Zhao? Oh, the people next door. I don't think about them much. They always look
a bit sad. I think we have a much better life and home. We are happier; we have more fun and our family
life is warmer."
1. Mrs. Zhao wants _________.
A. to have the same as Mrs. Wu
B. everything better than Mrs. Wu
C. a happy home
2. The Zhao's have a bigger refrigerator because _________.
A. their family is larger
B. they have a lot of money
C. they want to have a better place than the Wu's
3. Mrs. Wu _________.
A. wants to have the same as Mrs. Zhao
B. is not interested in Mrs. Zhao
C. does not know Mrs. Zhao
4. The story tells us _________.
A. to work hard
B. to try to be better than other people
C. to try to be better than other people

