3.Bill is walking down the road. is Bill ? 查看更多



The sun says he is stronger than the wind.The wind says he is stronger than the sun.A man is walking down the street with a hat and coat on.The sun says.“Let's see who can make the man take off his hat and coat.If you can do that , you are stronger than me.”

Now the wind begins to blow.But the harder be blows,the tighter the man holds his hat and coat.The wind can't make the man take off his hat and coat.

Now the sun tries.He shines brightly.Soon the man takes off his hat.Then the sun shines more brightly,and the man takes off his coat.

So the wind says,“That's all.You are stronger than me.”


1.The wind is stronger than the sun.

2.The sun says he can make the man takes off his hat and coat.

3.the harder the wind blows,the tighter the man catches his hat and coat.

4.The sun begins to shine brightly and the man takes off his hat and coat?

5.The sun and the wind can't make the man take off his hat and coat.


Li Ming is walking down the street.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


An English student goes to a city of Australia to learn there. 1  Today he is walking down a street with a map.   2   The word "Room" is on it.  "What a nice room!" he says. "  3  The sun(太阳) will come into the room in the day. I'll take it. "   4   The sun is always on the north(北面) in the day.
A. The windows are on the south side(南边).
B. He walks around the city to look for(寻找) a warm(暖和的) room.
C. But he is wrong(错).
D. He sees a small board(木板) in the window of a house.E. So he is right(对).
1-4 _______________
5. What's the best title in the passage?
A. A Student.        
B. A Room.
C. A Day.          
D. A Sun.


 The sun says he is stronger(强) than the wind. The wind says he is stronger than the sun.

  A man is walking down the street with a hat and coat on . The sun says ,“Let’s see who can make the man take off his hat and coat . If you can do that , you are stronger than me . ”

 Now the wind begins to blow ( 吹) . But the harder he blows , the tighter (更紧地) the man holds his hat and coat . The wind can’t make the man take off his hat and coat .

  Now the sun tries . He shines( 照耀)brightly . Soon the man takes off his hat . Then the sun shines more brightly , and the man takes off his coat .

  So the wind says , “That’s all . You are stronger than me .”

根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。( 共5小题,每小题一分,满分5分。)

(      ) 51. The wind is stronger than the sun .

(      ) 52. The sun and the wind see a man with a hat and coat .

(      ) 53. The harder the wind blows , the tighter the man catches his hat and coat .

(      ) 54. The sun begins to shine brightly , and the man takes off his hat and coat .

(      ) 55. The sun and the wind can’t make the man take off his hat and coat .




     Bill works in a factory, and he usually comes at half past six every evening. He came home early last
Friday and he was very angry. He closed the door very hard, went into the living room and sat down.
     His wife was in the kitchen. She went to her husband and looked at him for a few seconds. Then she
said to him, “Why are you angry, Bill?”
     "Because tickets cost three pence last week, but now they cost two pence," he said.
     "But that isn’t bad, Bill." his wife said, "It’s good. Going by bus is cheaper now."
     "Yes, it is. but I always walk to work in the morning and I walk home in the afternoon. Last week I
saved six pence every day, but now I save two pence less."
1. Bill closed the door hard when he came home last Friday because _       .
A. he was very tired after walking home      
B. he was angry
C. he was angry with his wife              
D. he didn't save any money that day
2. In the third paragraph(段), "tickets" means "         ".
A. bus tickets      
B. train tickets        
C. plane tickets      
D. ship tickets
3. How much does Bill save every day now?
A. Two pence.        
B. Three pence.        
C. Four pence.       
D. Six pence.
4. Mr Bill is very _     .
A. funny          
B. clever            
C. interesting      
D. thrifty (节约IYJ)
5. Which of the sentences is NOT true?
A. Bill always comes home from work at half six every day.
B. His wife asked why he was angry.
C. Bill goes to work and comes home on foot.
D. Last week Bill saved six pence every day.

