(A)根据句意和汉语注释.写出单词的正确形式.1.I have never seen such an building in a modern city. 查看更多



【小题1】When a train runs past us quickly, we will feel a slight_________ (震动) through our bodies.
【小题2】It was a stormy night and there was a car_______ (事故) on the road.
【小题3】The air in the countryside is much _________ (新鲜) than that in the city.
【小题4】Many people like spring because it’s beautiful and the _________ (温度) is pleasant.
【小题5】The man looked _________ (生气地) at his son and the poor boy couldn’t say a word.


【小题1】The government________(意识到)that the water pollution was a serious problem.
【小题2】We have to face many_________ (自然的)disasters, such as earthquakes, typhoons, etc.
【小题3】I think he’ll be a_________(成功的)person.
【小题4】They’re going to celebrate their 15 years of___________(婚姻)
【小题5】The changes to Wuxi have brought many_____________(优势)
【小题6】It often rains in this area,_________(特别,尤其) in summer.


【小题1】When the doctor came, the victim has already stopped _______ (呼吸).
【小题2】_______  (立即), the enemy disappeared on the early foggy morning.
【小题3】It’s not surprising to see so many _______ (推销员) in such a big electrical shop in China.
【小题4】As we know, air _______ (污染) might cause many serious diseases.


【小题1】Mr. Green received a new mobile phone on his                (四十) birthday.
【小题2】Maybe the overcoat belongs to one of the                 (消防队员) .
【小题3】CCTV-9 is looking forward to                (采访) the new president of the USA.
【小题4】This tall building was built two                (世纪) ago.
【小题5】Many young people are             (积极地) looking for jobs.


【小题1】Helen took a deep ________ (呼吸)  and continued her story.
【小题2】The local people _________ (提供) us many good services when we visited the small village.
【小题3】Is the national day celebrated _______________ (遍及) the country every year.
【小题4】I’m sorry to tell you that book you ordered is not __________ (可找到的).
【小题5】we can see the little girl has something weighs _________ (沉重地) on her mind.

