23. do you go to the park? ---Once a month. A.How long B.How often C.How soon, D.How much. 查看更多



1--______ do you go to the movies?

-- We go to the movies on weekdays.

A. Who         B. When        C. What time      D. Why



-______do you go to the city park?

-Usually by bike.

A.How's            B.How              C.What's            D.What



词汇运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。

1.Computer is one of the greatest ______ (invent). I can’t imagine life without it.

2.What do you go to the library for?       (search) for some information about my project.

3.He looked ___________(angry) at me just now.

4.The ______(lose) of my lovely dog made me very sad.

5.It is _________(frost) in Jiangsu today than yesterday .

6.It ___________ (not allow) to add unhealthy food additives(食品添加剂) in any food in China now.

7.July 1st this year is the ____________ (ninety) birthday of the CPC(中国共产党). There    would be no new China without our great Party.

8.I was glad to chat with my friend Mary on QQ yesterday. We_____(not chat) with each other on QQ for a long time.

9.My album is different from all my           (friend).

10.I found my father still ___________ (wake) when I entered his room at 11 last night.



-______do you go to the city park?
-Usually by bike.



-_______ do you go to the English club?
-Once a week.

A.How oldB.How oftenC.How muchD.How many

