Tom stood up, turned towards me, and speaking so A B softly that I couldn't hear what he was saying. C D ( ) . 查看更多




⑴. Even though Henry has learned Japanese for three years before

A                  B

he came to Japan, it was still difficult for him to express himself in Japanese.

C              D

(    )      .

⑵. Tom stood up, turned towards me, and speaking so

A   B

softly that I couldn't hear what he was saying.

C              D

(    )      .

⑶. When others were laughing over my joke, she sat there,


silent,as if she had not heard of even a word of my story.

B                 C          D

(    )      .

⑷. We are hoping that a concert will be held soon at which

A            B

the works of Liszt will play.

C               D

(    )      .

⑸. He knew it was strict against the law, but he still parked

A     B                    C

his car in front of the city bank.


(    )      .

⑹. Charlie offered me twenty dollars for my jacket, but it

A  B

was not worth half that many.

C                D

(    )      .

⑺. The football team has done well this year. All of their members

                     A   B           C

have trained very  hard.


(    )      .

⑻. The doctor talked about his research for an hour, but not

A            B

a word John understood.

C              D

(    )      .

⑼. The crowd gathered at the entrance to the hotel, hoping to

A                            B

be lucky enough to have look at the pop singer.

C              D

(    )      .

⑽. Contrary to common practice, he let his daughter studying

A                                       B

at home instead of sending her to a school neardy.

C                    D

(    )      .

