根据下列句子及所给汉语意思.写出空缺处各单词的完全形式.66.This is the house where it is thought that Shakespeare was born and his early years. 67 Staying healthy is important if you’re very busy. You need to keep your energy level at its highest, so eating well and doing are important. 查看更多



1. All the family and friends came to _______ (祝贺, 庆贺) them on their getting married.
2. I spoke in _______ (支持, 赞同) of the plan.
3. He had always _______ (服从, 顺从) his teachers without question. 
4. Children under 14 must be _______ (陪伴) by an adult.
5. He got a _______ (离婚) from his wife two years ago.
6. She is four years ________ (较年幼的, 地位低的) to him.
7. Your child is a ________ (潜在的, 有可能性的) singer.
8. Our headmaster is _______ (可接近的, 可进入的) to the students. 
9. We ran so fast that we were out of _______ (呼吸).
10. He is _______ (随便的, 漫不经心的) about his appearance.



76.All the family and friends came to _______(祝贺,庆贺)    76.________

them on their getting married.

77.I spoke in_______(支持,赞同) of the plan.        77.________

78.He had always _______(服从,顺从) his teachers without question.


79.Children under 14 must be ________(陪伴) by an adult.   79.________

80.He got a _________ (离婚) from his wife two years ago.  80.________

81.She is four years __________(较年幼的,地位低的) to him.  


82.Your child is a ___________(潜在的,有可能性的) singer.     82.________

83.Our headmaster is ________(可接近的,可进入的) to the students.


84.We ran so fast that we were out of _______ (呼吸).    84.________

85.He is ________ (随便的,漫不经心的)about his appearance.85.________


1. Some poems try to _______ (传达)certain emotions.
2. His casual clothes were not _______ (适当的, 正当的)  for such a formal occasion.
3. He took a _______ (冒险) when he crossed the old bridge.
4. I behaved badly and I am _______ (惭愧的, 羞愧的)  of myself now.
5. The manager has _______ (批准) of our plan.
6. Chinese economic and trade _______ (展览会) have promoted the exchange of the advanced techniques
    with other countries.
7. I'm not _______ (信服) of his honesty.
8. The injured person lay on the ground, _______ (流血) heavily.
9. The company's head office is here, but it has _______ (部门)  all over the country.
10. It is _______ (违法) for people under 17 to drive a car in Britain.



1.All the family and friends came to _______(祝贺,庆贺)          1.________

them on their getting married.

2.I spoke in_______(支持,赞同) of the plan.                     2.________

3.He had always _______(服从,顺从) his teachers without question.               


4.Children under 14 must be ________(陪伴)by an adult.           4.________

5.He got a _________ (离婚) from his wife two years ago.       5.________

6.She is four years __________(较年幼的,地位低的) to him.


7.Your child is a ___________(潜在的,有可能性的)singer.     7.________

8.Our headmaster is ________(可接近的,可进入的)to the students.8.________

9.We ran so fast that we were out of _______(呼吸).                 9.________

10.He is ________ (随便的,漫不经心的)about his appearance.10.________



1.Some poems try to ______(传达)certain emotions.                 1________

2.His casual clothes were not ________(适当的,正当的)           2________

for such a formal occasion. 

3.He took a _______ (冒险)when he crossed the old bridge.     3________    

4.I behaved badly and I am ________(惭愧的,羞愧的)          4________

of myself now. 

5.The manager has ________ (批准) of our plan.                  5________

6.Chinese economic and trade___________(展览会)have          6________

promoted the exchange of the advanced techniques with other countries.

7.I’m not _______ (信服) of his honesty.                        7________

8.The injured person lay on the ground, ________(流血)heavily.8________

9.The company’s head office is here, but it has _______(部门)    9________

all over the country. 

10.It is _______ (违法) for people under 17 to drive a car in Britain.10________

