30.Of the six people injured in the car accident.only two . A.1ived B.remained C.survived D.existed 查看更多




1.What kind of boy is Jack?

[  ]

A.A very lazy boy.

B.A very bright boy.

C.A very naughty boy.

2.What are the two speakers talking about?

[  ]

A.Something about “do - it - yourself” in America.

B.The high labour costs in America.

C.The people's living conditions in America.

3.How long is it since the man speaker saw the woman speaker last?

[  ]

A.Two years.  B.Only one year.  C.Three years.

4.Why did the student feel sorry?

[  ]

A.Because she lost the map of Africa her teacher gave her.

B.Because she failed to hand in her school work in time.

C.Because she was late far school again.

5.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.They are next - door neighbours.

B.They are school teacher and student.

C.They are family members.



6.What have we learned from what Mr Clark said?

[  ]

A.It's safe for the aged to plan cycling tour.

B.You are always as young as you feel.

C.A hearty breakfast will do us good.

7.What are the two speakers doing?

[  ]

A.They are having a lecture on daily life.

B.They are getting ready to advertise many bikes for sale.

C.They are having a face - to - face interview.


8.Where did the man speaker want to go?

[  ]

A.Scotland.  B.France.  C.Italy.

9.What is the woman speaker like?

[  ]

A.She is very tall.

B.She is very rich.

C.She is very short.


10.What did Mr Thorogood say in his Annual Report?

[  ]

A.Chinese is as widely spoken as English sooner or later.

B.English is almost certain to be the language of space.

C.Chinese is learned as a foreign language in many countries now.

11.Why didn't Mr Thorogood mention if English would become the official language of the EEC?

[  ]

A.He dared not say.

B.He was asked not to say.

C.He was not willing to say.

12.Where did this conversation take place?

[  ]

A.In a language school.

B.In a studio.

C.In an office of the EEC.


13.Why are the majority of foreign girls working in Britain au pairs?

[  ]

A.It is an excellent system.

B.They can be well paid.

C.They can get more chances to learn English.

14.What did the girls sometimes complain?

[  ]

A.It's hard to meet young people of their own ages.

B.Some families didn't give them a chance to learn English.

C.They couldn't become members of English families.

15.What did the man speaker mainly mention in the conversation?

[  ]

A.Several do's and don'ts of an au pair agency.

B.Some of the problems facing au pair girls in London.

C.Something about newspaper reporters in London.

16.What did the man speaker want to know at the end of the conversation?

[  ]

A.Why did the girls feel quite content in spite of everything?

B.Why did the girls continue to come over in their thousands?

C.Why did very few girls keep in touch after they went back home?


17.Where did the traffic accident happen?

[  ]

A.Near Mercy Hospital of the city.

B.In front of a police station.

C.A crossroads near Polar and Chestnut Streets.

18.What was Bobby Lane doing at that time?

[  ]

A.Running after the speaker's car.

B.Playing with a ball in the street.

C.Lying in the street.

19.How many persons were mentioned in the speech?

[  ]

A.Eight.  B.Seven.  C.Six.

20.Why wasn't the speaker charged by the police?

[  ]

A.The boy wasn't seriously injured.

B.It wasn't the speaker's fault.

C.The boy was taken to the hospital immediately.

