34.The accident caused by a pet dog running across the road.but we don’t know for sure. A.might have been B.must have been C.would have been D.should have been 查看更多



Five people were reported ________ in the accident.  

 A. to be killed       B. to kill           C. killed          D. to have been killed



Tom kept quiet about the accident    lose his job.?

A. so not as to          B. so as not to?

C. so as to not          D. not so as to?



—What’s going on there? There were too many people.


  —A car drove ____ a truck and the driver was ____ being killed in the accident.


  A. against; near B. into close to C. into; next to D. into; nearly



---Why isn't he in the hospital with his injured mother?

---No one ______ him of the accident.

  A.informed    B.informs     C.had informed    D.has informed


How did the accident   ? ?
A. come out     B. come along      C. come about   D. come across

