31. , and you will find a solution to the difficulty. A.Think over B.Think hard C.Thinking again D.To think twice 查看更多




Once upon a time there was a child ready to be .

One day the child asked God, "They tell me you are going to send me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and   ?"

God , "Among the many angels, I have chosen one for you. She will be waiting for you and will   you."

"But", said the child, "tell me here in  I don't do anything else but sing and smile. That's what I need to be  !"

 God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you everyday. And you will feel your angel's love and be happy."

"And", said the child, "How am I going to be able to  when people talk to me, if I don't know the language that men talk?"

"That's easy", said God, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and  words you will ever hear, and with much   and care, your angel will teach you how to ."

The child looked up  God saying, "And what am I going to do when I want to talk you?"

God smiled at the child saying, "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to ."

The child said, "I've heard on earth there are bad men. Who will   me?"

God put his arm around the child, saying, "Your angel will defend you - even if it means  life!"

The child looked sad, saying, "But I will always be  because I will not see you anymore."

God hugged the child, "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way to come back to me,  I will always be next to you."

The child, in a hurry, asked softly, "Oh God, if I am about to leave now please tell me my angel's   !"

God replied, "Your angel's name is of no ... you will   call her !"

  A. delivered      B. born         C. multiplied        D. reproduced

  A. young         B. lonely       C. helpless          D. naughty

 A. supplied       B. replied      C. applied           D. complied

 A. take care      B. look after    C. tend to           D. pretend

  A. Heaven       B. Sky         C. Hell              D. Space

  A. sad           B. happy      C. embarrassed      D. awkward

  A. think          B. suppose      C. utter              D. understand

A. sweet         B. hard        C. fluent             D. bitter

A. patience       B. tolerance    C. joy               D. happiness

A. speak         B. state        C. put               D. say

A. to             B. at          C. in                 D. on

A. behave       B. perform     C. pray                D. wave

A. prevent      B. protect       C. tend               D. accompany

A. to risk       B. risking       C. to devote            D. devoting

A. sorrowful     B. happy       C. cheerful              D. confused

A. as though    B. now that     C. even though          D. so that

A. name        B. address      C. appearance          D. quality

A. meaning     B. importance    C. usage              D. value

A. simply       B. faithfully      C. sincerely           D. devotedly

A. MOMMY     B. DADDLY     C. SISTER            D. BROTHER





   When we feel sad or happily, a good cry is almost            1.______

impossible to resist. But do you know why we cry?             2. ______

Experts have found that tear contain some chemicals        3. ______

like hormone. When one is feeling stressed, it set free,       4.______

tears will come down. So crying is a way of get                5. ______

rid of the stress and you will often feel better before a     6. ______

good cry. Of course sex has nothing to do to crying.      7. ______

Women cry more often just because of they have more           8. ______

of this hormone than men. But next time you feel like      9. ______

bursting into tears, go ahead. It won't be good to your health. 10. ______




EI've been writing for most of my life. The book Writing Without Teachers introduced me to one difference and one practice that have greatly helped my writing processes. The difference is between the creative mind and the critical mind. While you need to use both of the creative mind and the critical (批判) mind to reach a finished result,they cannot work in parallel (平行,并行) no matter how much we might like to think so.

 Trying to criticize writing on the fly is possibly the single greatest trouble with writing that most of us meet. If you are listening to a 5th grade English teacher correcting your grammar while you are trying to capture a fleeting(稍纵即逝的)thought, the thought will die. If you catch the fleeting thought and simply share it with the world in raw form, no one is likely to understand. You must learn to create first and then criticize if you want to make writing the tool for thinking as it is.

 The practice that can help you overcome your learned bad habits of trying to edit as you write is what Elbow calls“free writing”. In free writing, the goal is to get words down on paper non-stop,usually for 15-20 minutes. No stopping, no going back, no criticizing. The aim is to get the words flowing. As the words begin to flow,the ideas will come from the shadows and let themselves be captured on your notepad or your screen.

 Now you have raw materials that you can begin to work with using the critical mind that you’ve persuaded to sit on the side and watch quietly. Most likely,you will believe that this will take more time than you actually have and you will end up staring blankly at the pages as the deadline draws near.

 Instead of staring at a blank start and filling it with words no matter how bad they could be,stop halfway through your available time and rework your raw writing into something closer to the finished product. Move back and forth until you run out of time and the final result will most likely be far better than your current practices.

1. When the author says the creative mind and the critical mind“cannot work in parallel”in the writing process,he means _______.

A. no one can be both creative and critical               

B. they can’t be regarded as equally important

C. they are in constant conflict with each other 

D. one cannot use them at the same time

2. What usually prevents people from writing on is _______.

A. putting their ideas in raw form             B. attempting to edit as they’re writing

C. ignoring grammatical problems            D. trying to capture their fleeting thoughts

3. What is the chief purpose of the first stage of writing?

A. To organize one’s thoughts logically.     B. To choose an appropriate topic.

C. To get one’s ideas down quickly.           D. To collect many more raw materials.

4. In what way does the critical mind help the writer in the writing process?

A. It refines(improves) his writing into a better shape. 

B. It helps him to come up with new ideas.

C. It saves the writing time available to him.

D. It allows him to sit on the side and observe.



EI've been writing for most of my life. The book Writing Without Teachers introduced me to one difference and one practice that have greatly helped my writing processes. The difference is between the creative mind and the critical mind. While you need to use both of the creative mind and the critical (批判) mind to reach a finished result,they cannot work in parallel (平行,并行) no matter how much we might like to think so.
 Trying to criticize writing on the fly is possibly the single greatest trouble with writing that most of us meet. If you are listening to a 5th grade English teacher correcting your grammar while you are trying to capture a fleeting(稍纵即逝的)thought, the thought will die. If you catch the fleeting thought and simply share it with the world in raw form, no one is likely to understand. You must learn to create first and then criticize if you want to make writing the tool for thinking as it is.
 The practice that can help you overcome your learned bad habits of trying to edit as you write is what Elbow calls“free writing”. In free writing, the goal is to get words down on paper non-stop,usually for 15-20 minutes. No stopping, no going back, no criticizing. The aim is to get the words flowing. As the words begin to flow,the ideas will come from the shadows and let themselves be captured on your notepad or your screen.
 Now you have raw materials that you can begin to work with using the critical mind that you’ve persuaded to sit on the side and watch quietly. Most likely,you will believe that this will take more time than you actually have and you will end up staring blankly at the pages as the deadline draws near.
 Instead of staring at a blank start and filling it with words no matter how bad they could be,stop halfway through your available time and rework your raw writing into something closer to the finished product. Move back and forth until you run out of time and the final result will most likely be far better than your current practices.
1. When the author says the creative mind and the critical mind“cannot work in parallel”in the writing process,he means _______.
A. no one can be both creative and critical              
B. they can’t be regarded as equally important
C. they are in constant conflict with each other 
D. one cannot use them at the same time
2. What usually prevents people from writing on is _______.
A. putting their ideas in raw form            B. attempting to edit as they’re writing
C. ignoring grammatical problems           D. trying to capture their fleeting thoughts
3. What is the chief purpose of the first stage of writing?
A. To organize one’s thoughts logically.    B. To choose an appropriate topic.
C. To get one’s ideas down quickly.          D. To collect many more raw materials.
4. In what way does the critical mind help the writer in the writing process?
A. It refines(improves) his writing into a better shape. 
B. It helps him to come up with new ideas.
C. It saves the writing time available to him.
D. It allows him to sit on the side and observe.


On June 17, 1774, the officials from Maryland and Virginia held a talk with the Indians of the Six Nations. The Indians were invited to send boys to William and Mary College. In a letter the next day they refused the offer as follows:

    We know that you have a high opinion of the kind of learning taught in your colleges, and that the costs of living of our young men, while with you, would be very expensive to you. We are sure that you mean to do us good by your proposal(提议); and we thank you heartily. But you must know that different nations have different ways of looking at things, and you will therefore not be offended(冒犯) if our ideas of this kind of education happen not to be the same as yours. We have had some experience of it. Several of our young people were formerly brought up at the colleges of the northern provinces: they were taught all your sciences; but when they came back to us, they were bad manners, ignorant(无知的)of every means of living in the woods–they were totally good for nothing.

   We are, however, not the less thankful by your kind offer, though we refuse to accept it; and, to show our grateful sense of it, if the gentlemen of Virginia will send us a dozen of their sons, we will take care of their education, teach them in all we know, and make men of them.

The tone(语气) of the letter as a whole is best described as________.

A. angry          B. pleasant            C. polite          D. ambitious

The Indian chief’s purpose of writing the letter seems to be to ____.

   A.politely refuse a friendly offer            B.express their opinions on equal treatment

   C.show their pride                D.describe Indian customs

According to the letter, the Indians believed that ____.

   A.it would be better for their boys to receive some schooling

   B.they were being insulted by the offer

   C.they knew more about science than the officials

   D.they had better way of educating young men

Different from the officials’ view of education, the Indians thought ____.

   A.young women should also be educated

   B.they had different goals of education

   C.they taught different branches of science

   D.they should teach the sons of the officials first

