31.--I have my hair cut once every month. -- .And I had it done only yesterday. A.So I have B.So I did C.So have I D.So do I 查看更多



-----Oh, it’s you. I _____ you.

   -----I’ve just have my hair cut and I’m wearing sun glasses.

   A. didn’t recognize  B. hadn’t recognized  C. haven’t recognized  D. don’t recognize



-Excuse me,I want to have my hair cut,but I can’t find a barber-shop.

-There’s________at the comer of the street.Just go straight.

A it        B.some        C.the one     D one



I want ________ my hair cut,because it wants ________.

A.having; cutting

B.to have; cutting

C.to have; to cut

D.having; to cut



I want ________ my hair cut,because it wants ________.

  1. A.
    having; cutting
  2. B.
    to have; cutting
  3. C.
    to have; to cut
  4. D.
    having; to cut



-Excuse me,I want to have my hair cut,but I can’t find a barber-shop.

    -There’s________at the comer of the street.Just go straight.

A it        B.some        C.the one     D one

