23.Wake me up at 4 o’clock tomorrow morning if I . A.sleep B.am sleeping C.will sleep D.will be sleeping 查看更多




1.He drew a ____________(结论)after a lot of experiments.

2.Word came that our football team was _____________ (打败)again.      

3.Who do you think is to ____________(该受指责)for the accident?

4.What he did was not ________ (与……一致)with what he said.

5.England is divided __________ (粗略地) into three zones.

6.At first my new __________ (环境) were difficult to tolerate.

7. If it is _____________(方便的)to you I’ll be with you next Tuesday.

8. Please ________(安排) for a taxi to pick me up at six o’clock.

9.To their __________(高兴), their son was admitted into a famous university.

10.Wang Ping ________(系好) my safety belt and showed me how to use the hovering carriage.

11. Being ______(暴露)to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.

12.With extra evidence John Snow was able to______(宣布) with certainty that polluted water carried the virus.

13.For historical__________ (建筑) ,you have to go to older but smaller towns built by the Romans.

14.Just as I tried to make the necessary ________(调整)to this new situation, Wang Ping appeared.

15.Westminster Abbey contains ________(雕塑) in memory of dead poets and writers.



【小题1】He drew a ____________(结论)after a lot of experiments.
【小题2】Word came that our football team was _____________ (打败)again.      
【小题3】Who do you think is to ____________(该受指责)for the accident?
【小题4】What he did was not ________ (与……一致)with what he said.
【小题5】England is divided __________ (粗略地) into three zones.
【小题6】At first my new __________ (环境) were difficult to tolerate.
【小题7】If it is _____________(方便的)to you I’ll be with you next Tuesday.
【小题8】 Please ________(安排) for a taxi to pick me up at six o’clock.
【小题9】To their __________(高兴), their son was admitted into a famous university.
【小题10】Wang Ping ________(系好) my safety belt and showed me how to use the hovering carriage.
【小题11】 Being ______(暴露)to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.
【小题12】With extra evidence John Snow was able to______(宣布) with certainty that polluted water carried the virus.
【小题13】For historical__________ (建筑) ,you have to go to older but smaller towns built by the Romans.
【小题14】Just as I tried to make the necessary ________(调整)to this new situation, Wang Ping appeared.
【小题15】Westminster Abbey contains ________(雕塑) in memory of dead poets and writers.


1. It is reported that the capital was s_______________ polluted by haze yesterday.

2. Our class is d____________ into four groups during the heated discussion.

3. The new railway is still under c_____________. It will be completed next year.

4. He f_____________ the letter and put it into the envelope.

5. Boys and girls, be quiet! I have an a__________________ to make.
6. Water and salt are a_____________ into our blood stream every day.
7. Would it be c___________ for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport?

8. He q_____________ with his wife over housework last night.

9. Soldiers, policemen, nurses and students wear different u______________.

10. Can you tell me the name of a country c_______________ of many islands?


Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones were angry at each other.            

1. ______

They did not say for several days. One day Mr. Jones          

2. ______

was very tired when he came back to work, so he             

3. ______

went to the bed soon after dinner without a word.         

4. ______

Mrs. Jones washed, did some sewing. When she            

5. ______

went up to bed much late than her husband she             

6. ______

found a piece of paper on small table near her              

7. ______

bed. On it were the words. “Mother―Wake me up at  7 a. m. ―Father. ”

8. ______

When Mr. Jones wake up the next morning, it was        

9. ______

nearly 8 a. m. , and on the small table near

his bed he saw other piece of paper. On it was “Father   

10. ______

------Wake up , it is 7a.m.---mother.”


Would it be ___ for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport?

A. free         B. vacant           C. handy        D. convenient


